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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #62406] javaObject() java.lang.String Has Diff

From: Nicholas Jankowski
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #62406] javaObject() java.lang.String Has Different Output with MATLAB
Date: Tue, 3 May 2022 11:35:48 -0400 (EDT)

Follow-up Comment #1, bug #62406 (project octave):

that looks like the default general display method for objects in octave. 
looking at the methods for that object:

>> methods(s)
Methods for class java.lang.String:
String               copyValueOf          join                 startsWith
charAt               endsWith             lastIndexOf          subSequence
chars                equals               length               substring
codePointAt          equalsIgnoreCase     matches              toCharArray
codePointBefore      format               notify               toLowerCase
codePointCount       getBytes             notifyAll            toString
codePoints           getChars             offsetByCodePoints   toUpperCase
compareTo            getClass             regionMatches        trim
compareToIgnoreCase  hashCode             replace              valueOf
concat               indexOf              replaceAll           wait
contains             intern               replaceFirst
contentEquals        isEmpty              split

appears the object or its parent (assuming it's inheriting things) doesn't
have the disp or display method defined (at least publicly).  that could be
done to change the way it echoes the contents. String or array display is
fairly straightforward, but depending on how variable the javaObject content
can get, it could get a bit involved.


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