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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #58330] Do not warn in ./configure for explici

From: Rik
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #58330] Do not warn in ./configure for explicit --without-XXX arguments
Date: Sun, 17 May 2020 17:10:15 -0400 (EDT)
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

Follow-up Comment #7, bug #58330 (project octave):

Slightly different issue.  The buildbot --no-extras doesn't seem to disable
every library that it could.  I used grep for '--without' on the help text
from ./configure and I came up with this list:

  --without-libiconv-prefix     don't search for libiconv in includedir and
  --without-qhull         don't use QHull library
  --without-z             don't use ZLIB library
  --without-bz2           don't use BZIP2 library
  --without-hdf5          don't use HDF5 library
  --without-fftw3         don't use FFTW3 library
  --without-fftw3f        don't use FFTW3F library
  --without-glpk          don't use GLPK library
  --without-curl          don't use cURL library
  --without-sndfile       don't use sndfile library, disable audio file I/O
  --without-portaudio     don't use PortAudio library, disable audio playback
  --without-opengl        don't use OpenGL libraries, disable OpenGL graphics
  --without-freetype      don't use FreeType library, OpenGL graphics will
  --without-fontconfig    don't use fontconfig library, OpenGL graphics will
  --without-qt            don't use Qt libraries, disable Qt GUI
  --without-qscintilla    disable QScintilla editor
  --without-fltk          don't use FLTK libraries, disable OpenGL graphics
  --without-qrupdate      don't use qrupdate, disable QR & Cholesky updating
  --without-amd           don't use AMD library, disable some sparse matrix
  --without-camd          don't use CAMD library, disable some sparse matrix
  --without-colamd        don't use COLAMD library, disable some sparse
  --without-ccolamd       don't use CCOLAMD library, disable some sparse
  --without-cholmod       don't use CHOLMOD library, disable some sparse
  --without-cxsparse      don't use CXSparse library, disable some sparse
  --without-umfpack       don't use UMFPACK, disable some sparse matrix
  --without-klu           don't use KLU library, disable some sparse matrix
  --without-sundials_ida  don't use SUNDIALS IDA library, disable solvers
  --without-arpack        don't use the ARPACK library, disable eigs function

The arguments that don't seem to be in the buildbot are --without-fontconfig
and --without-freetype.


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