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[Nufw-devel] NuFW 1.0.2, X509 improvments

From: Eric Leblond
Subject: [Nufw-devel] NuFW 1.0.2, X509 improvments
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2005 10:20:13 +0200


NuFW 1.0.2 is now available. 

This new release features some improvments in the management of X509
options : 
-  nufw is now able to check the certificate of nuauth (use -a to do
-  the clients do not need to have key and certificate anymore 
-  verification of certificates has been strengthened

Some minor bugs have been fixed : 
-  nufw now runs with debug level superior to 7 AND daemon mode
-  plaintext module now correctly answers when it finds an acl with no

Happy User Filtering to all,
Eric Leblond <address@hidden>

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