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Re: Sort and delete duplcate messages

From: Ralph Corderoy
Subject: Re: Sort and delete duplcate messages
Date: Mon, 04 May 2020 09:55:39 +0100


Ken wrote:
> > I know that 'sortm -textfield Subject' will sort messages accoring
> > to the subject field. Having run that command, is there a way to
> > then delete the first duplicate of each message in the list such
> > that if 1 and 2 are duplicates and 6 and 7 are duplicates you would
> > delete messages 2 and 7 leaving 1 and 6?
> I want to say you could do something with piping the output of scan
> into "uniq -d -f <num>".  Might require a custom scan format, but that
> seems relatively simple.
> Hm, a quick test:
> % scan -format '%(msg) %{subject}' | uniq -d -f 1
> suggests that it prints the first one, not later ones, so that isn't
> exactly what you want.  Might be a good starting point, though?  You
> could probably do something with uniq -c and pipe that to an awk
> script that did what you wanted.

awk's probably easiest, after deciding what counts as an equivalent
subject field.

    $ ls
    1  2  3  4
    $ sed -n l *
    subject: foo bar$
    subject: foo$
    subject: xyzzy $
    subject: fo=?utf-8?Q?=6f?= bar$
    $ scan -width 0 -format '%(decode{subject}):%{subject}:%(putlit{subject}):' 
    foo bar:foo bar: foo bar:
    foo bar:foo bar: foo
    xyzzy:xyzzy: xyzzy:
    foo bar:fo=?utf-8?Q?=6f?= bar: fo=?utf-8?Q?=6f?= bar:
    $ scan -width 0 -format '%(msg) %(decode{subject})' +.
    1 foo bar
    2 foo bar
    3 xyzzy
    4 foo bar
    $ scan -width 0 -format '%(msg) %(decode{subject})' +. |
    > awk '{m=$1; sub(/[^ ]* /, "", $0)} NR>1 && $0==l {print m} {l=$0}'

Cheers, Ralph.

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