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[myexperiment-hackers] [2745] branches/rails2/app/controllers/applicatio

From: noreply
Subject: [myexperiment-hackers] [2745] branches/rails2/app/controllers/application_controller.rb: added the application controller functions back
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 2011 16:30:50 -0400 (EDT)

2011-10-24 16:30:49 -0400 (Mon, 24 Oct 2011)

Log Message

added the application controller functions back

Modified Paths


Modified: branches/rails2/app/controllers/application_controller.rb (2744 => 2745)

--- branches/rails2/app/controllers/application_controller.rb	2011-10-24 20:30:01 UTC (rev 2744)
+++ branches/rails2/app/controllers/application_controller.rb	2011-10-24 20:30:49 UTC (rev 2745)
@@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
+# myExperiment: app/controllers/application.rb
+# Copyright (c) 2007 University of Manchester and the University of Southampton.
+# See license.txt for details.
 # Filters added to this controller apply to all controllers in the application.
 # Likewise, all the methods added will be available for all controllers.
@@ -6,5 +11,1126 @@
   protect_from_forgery # See ActionController::RequestForgeryProtection for details
   # Scrub sensitive parameters from your log
-  # filter_parameter_logging :password
+  filter_parameter_logging :password
+  WhiteListHelper.tags.merge %w(table tr td th div span)
+  before_filter :set_configuration
+  include AuthenticatedSystem
+  before_filter :login_from_cookie
+  before_filter :oauth_required
+  include ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
+  def base_host
+    request.host_with_port
+  end
+  # if "referer" in the HTTP header contains "myexperiment", we know
+  # that current action was accessed from myExperiment website; if
+  # referer is not set OR doesn't contain the search string, access
+  # was initiated from other location 
+  def accessed_from_website?
+    res = false
+    referer = request.env['HTTP_REFERER']
+    unless referer.nil? || referer.match("^#{Conf.base_uri}").nil?
+      res = true
+    end
+    return res
+  end
+  def set_configuration
+    Conf.set_configuration(request, session)
+  end
+  def formatted_timespan(time_period)
+    # Takes a period of time in seconds and returns it in human-readable form (down to minutes)
+    # from (
+    out_str = ""
+    interval_array = [ [:weeks, 604800], [:days, 86400], [:hours, 3600], [:minutes, 60] ]
+    interval_array.each do |sub|
+      if time_period >= sub[1]
+        time_val, time_period = time_period.divmod(sub[1])
+        time_val == 1 ? name = sub[0].to_s.singularize : name = sub[0].to_s
+        ( sub[0] != :minutes ? out_str += ", " : out_str += " and " ) if out_str != ''
+        out_str += time_val.to_s + " #{name}"
+      end
+    end
+    return out_str  
+  end
+  # this method is only intended to check if entry
+  # in "viewings" or "downloads" table needs to be
+  # created for current access - and this is *only*
+  # supposed to be working for *contributables*
+  #
+  # NB! The input parameter is the actual contributable OR
+  # the version of it (currently only workflows are versioned)
+  def allow_statistics_logging(contributable_or_version)
+    # check if the current viewing/download is to be logged
+    # (i.e. request is sent not by a bot and is legitimate)
+    allow_logging = true
+    Conf.bot_ignore_list.each do |pattern|
+      if request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] and request.env['HTTP_USER_AGENT'].match(pattern)
+        allow_logging = false
+        break
+      end
+    end
+    # disallow logging of events referring to contributables / versions of them
+    # that have been uploaded by current user; 
+    #
+    # however, if there are newer versions of contributable (uploaded not by the original uploader),
+    # we do want to record viewings/downloads of this newer version by the original uploader  
+    if allow_logging && current_user != 0
+      allow_logging = false if (contributable_or_version.contributor_type == "User" && contributable_or_version.contributor_id ==
+    end
+    return allow_logging
+  end
+  # Safe HTML -
+  # Note: should only be used for text that doesn't need updating later.
+  def ae_some_html(s)
+    return '' if s.nil?    
+    # converting newlines
+    s.gsub!(/\r\n?/, "\n")
+    # escaping HTML to entities
+    s = s.to_s.gsub('&', '&amp;').gsub('<', '&lt;').gsub('>', '&gt;')
+    # blockquote tag support
+    s.gsub!(/\n?&lt;blockquote&gt;\n*(.+?)\n*&lt;\/blockquote&gt;/im, "<blockquote>\\1</blockquote>")
+    # other tags: b, i, em, strong, u
+    %w(b i em strong u).each { |x|
+         s.gsub!('&lt;(' + x + ')&gt;(.+?)&lt;/('+x+')&gt;',
+                 Regexp::MULTILINE|Regexp::IGNORECASE), 
+                 "<\\1>\\2</\\1>")
+        }
+    # A tag support
+    # href="" attribute auto-adds http://
+    s = s.gsub(/&lt;a.+?href\s*=\s*['"](.+?)["'].*?&gt;(.+?)&lt;\/a&gt;/im) { |x|
+            '<a href="" + ($1.index('://') ? $1 : 'http://'+$1) + "\">" + $2 + "</a>"
+          }
+    # replacing newlines to <br> ans <p> tags
+    # wrapping text into paragraph
+    s = "<p>" + s.gsub(/\n\n+/, "</p>\n\n<p>").
+            gsub(/([^\n]\n)(?=[^\n])/, '\1<br />') + "</p>"
+    s      
+  end
+  # This method takes a comma seperated list of tags (where multiple words don't need to be in quote marks)
+  # and formats it into a new comma seperated list where multiple words ARE in quote marks.
+  # (Note: it will actually put quote marks around all the words and then out commas).
+  # eg: 
+  #    this, is a, tag
+  #        becomes:
+  #    "this","is a","tag"
+  #
+  # This is so we can map the tags entered in by users to the format required by the act_as_taggable_redux gem.
+  def convert_tags_to_gem_format(tags_string)
+    list = parse_comma_seperated_string(tags_string)
+    converted = '' 
+    list.each do |s|
+      converted = converted + '"' + s.strip + '",'
+    end
+    return converted
+  end
+  helper_method :ae_some_html
+  # This method converts a comma seperated string of values into a collection of those values.
+  # Note: currently does not cater for values in quotation marks and does not remove empty values
+  # (although it does ignore a trailing comma)
+  def parse_comma_seperated_string(s)
+    list = s.split(',')
+  end
+  def update_policy(contributable, params)
+    # this method will return an error message is something goes wrong (empty string in case of success)
+    error_msg = ""
+    # BEGIN validation and initialisation
+    # This variable will hold current settings of the policy in case something
+    # goes wrong and a revert would be needed at some point
+    last_saved_policy = nil
+    return if params[:sharing].nil? or params[:sharing][:class_id].blank?
+    sharing_class  = params[:sharing][:class_id]
+    updating_class = (params[:updating] and !params[:updating][:class_id].blank?) ? params[:updating][:class_id] : "6"
+    # Check allowed sharing_class values
+    return unless [ "0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "7" ].include? sharing_class
+    # Check allowed updating_class values
+    return unless [ "0", "1", "5", "6" ].include? updating_class
+    view_protected     = 0
+    view_public        = 0
+    download_protected = 0
+    download_public    = 0
+    edit_protected     = 0
+    edit_public        = 0
+    # BEGIN initialisation and validation
+    unless contributable.contribution.policy
+      last_saved_policy = Policy._default(current_user, nil) # second parameter ensures that this policy is not applied anywhere
+      policy = => 'auto',
+          :contributor_type => 'User', :contributor_id =>,
+          :share_mode         => sharing_class,
+          :update_mode        => updating_class)
+      contributable.contribution.policy = policy  # by doing this the new policy object is saved implicitly too
+    else
+       policy = contributable.contribution.policy
+       last_saved_policy = policy.clone # clone required, not 'dup' (which still works through reference, so the values in both get changed anyway - which is not what's needed here)
+       policy.share_mode = sharing_class
+       policy.update_mode = updating_class
+    end
+    # Process 'update' permissions for "Some of my Friends"
+    if updating_class == "5"
+      if params[:updating_somefriends]
+        # Delete old User permissions
+        policy.delete_all_user_permissions
+        # Now create new User permissions, if required
+        params[:updating_somefriends].each do |f|
+ => policy,
+              :contributor => (User.find f[1].to_i),
+              :view => 1, :download => 1, :edit => 1).save
+        end
+      else # none of the 'some of my friends' were selected, error
+        # revert changes made to policy (however any permissions updated will preserve the state)
+        policy.copy_values_from( last_saved_policy )
+        error_msg += "You have selected to set 'update' permissions for 'Some of your Friends', but didn't select any from the list.</br>Previous (if any) or default sharing permissions have been set."
+        return error_msg
+      end
+    else
+      # Delete all User permissions - as this isn't mode 5 (i.e. the mode has changed),
+      # where some explicit permissions to friends are set
+      policy.delete_all_user_permissions
+    end
+    # Process explicit Group permissions now
+    if params[:group_sharing]
+      # First delete any Permission objects that don't have a checked entry in the form
+      policy.permissions.each do |p|
+        params[:group_sharing].each do |n|
+          # If a hash value with key 'id' wasn't returned then that means the checkbox was unchecked.
+          unless n[1][:id]
+            if p.contributor_type == 'Network' and p.contributor_id == n[0].to_i
+              p.destroy
+            end
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      # Now create or update Permissions
+      params[:group_sharing].each do |n|
+        # Note: n[1] is used because n is an array and n[1] returns it's value (which in turn is a hash)
+        # In this hash, is a value with key 'id' is present then the checkbox for that group was checked.
+        if n[1][:id]
+          n_id = n[1][:id].to_i
+          level = n[1][:level]
+          unless (perm = Permission.find(:first, :conditions => ["policy_id = ? AND contributor_type = ? AND contributor_id = ?",, 'Network', n_id]))
+            # Only create new Permission if it doesn't already exist
+            p = => policy, :contributor => (Network.find(n_id)))
+            p.set_level!(level) if level
+          else
+            # Update the 'level' on the existing permission
+            perm.set_level!(level) if level
+          end
+        else
+          n_id = n[0].to_i
+          # Delete permission if it exists (because this one is unchecked)
+          if (perm = Permission.find(:first, :conditions => ["policy_id = ? AND contributor_type = ? AND contributor_id = ?",, 'Network', n_id]))
+            perm.destroy
+          end
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    logger.debug("------ Workflow create summary ------------------------------------")
+    logger.debug("current_user   = #{}")
+    logger.debug("updating_class = #{updating_class}")
+    logger.debug("sharing_class  = #{sharing_class}")
+    logger.debug("policy         = #{policy}")
+    logger.debug("group_sharing  = #{params[:group_sharing]}")
+    logger.debug("-------------------------------------------------------------------")
+    # returns some message in case of errors (or empty string in case of success)
+    return error_msg
+  end
+  def update_credits(creditable, params)
+    # First delete old creditations:
+    creditable.creditors.each do |c|
+      c.destroy
+    end
+    # Then create new creditations:
+    # Current user
+    if (params[:credits_me].downcase == 'true')
+      c = => 'User', :creditor_id =>, :creditable_type => creditable.class.to_s, :creditable_id =>
+    end
+    # Friends + other users
+    user_ids = parse_comma_seperated_string(params[:credits_users])
+    user_ids.each do |id|
+      c = => 'User', :creditor_id => id, :creditable_type => creditable.class.to_s, :creditable_id =>
+    end
+    # Networks (aka Groups)
+    network_ids = parse_comma_seperated_string(params[:credits_groups])
+    network_ids.each do |id|
+      c = => 'Network', :creditor_id => id, :creditable_type => creditable.class.to_s, :creditable_id =>
+    end
+  end
+  def update_attributions(attributable, params)
+    # First delete old attributions:
+    attributable.attributors.each do |a|
+      a.destroy
+    end
+    # Then create new attributions:
+    # Workflows
+    attributor_workflow_ids = parse_comma_seperated_string(params[:attributions_workflows])
+    attributor_type = 'Workflow'
+    attributor_workflow_ids.each do |id|
+      a = => attributor_type, :attributor_id => id, :attributable_type => attributable.class.to_s, :attributable_id  =>
+    end
+    # Files
+    attributor_file_ids = parse_comma_seperated_string(params[:attributions_files])
+    attributor_type = 'Blob'
+    attributor_file_ids.each do |id|
+      a = => attributor_type, :attributor_id => id, :attributable_type => attributable.class.to_s, :attributable_id  =>
+    end
+  end
+  # helper function to determine the context of a polymorphic nested resource
+  def extract_resource_context(params)
+    (Conf.contributor_models + Conf.contributable_models).each do |model_name|
+      id_param = "#{Conf.to_visible(model_name.underscore)}_id"
+      return Object.const_get(model_name).find_by_id(params[id_param]) if params[id_param]
+    end
+    nil
+  end 
+  def deep_clone(ob)
+    case
+    when "Array"
+ do |x| deep_clone(x) end
+    when "Hash"
+      hash = {}
+      ob.each do |k, v| hash[deep_clone(k)] = deep_clone(v) end
+      hash
+    when "Symbol"
+      ob
+    else
+      ob.clone
+    end
+  end
+  def send_cached_data(file_name, *opts)
+    if !File.exists?(file_name)
+      FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(file_name))
+, "wb+") { |f| f.write(yield) }
+    end
+    send_file(file_name, *opts)
+  end
+  # Pivot code
+  def pivot_options
+    {
+      :order => 
+      [
+        {
+          :option => 'rank',
+          :label  => 'Rank',
+          :order  => 'contributions.rank DESC'
+        },
+        {
+          :option => 'title',
+          :label  => 'Title',
+          :order  => 'contributions.label, contributions.rank DESC'
+        },
+        {
+          :option => 'latest',
+          :label  => 'Latest',
+          :order  => 'contributions.created_at DESC, contributions.rank DESC'
+        },
+        {
+          :option => 'last_updated',
+          :label  => 'Last updated',
+          :order  => 'contributions.updated_at DESC, contributions.rank DESC'
+        },
+        {
+          :option => 'rating',
+          :label  => 'Community rating',
+          :order  => 'contributions.rating DESC, contributions.rank DESC'
+        },
+        {
+          :option => 'viewings',
+          :label  => 'Most viewed',
+          :order  => 'contributions.site_viewings_count DESC, contributions.rank DESC'
+        },
+        {
+          :option => 'downloads',
+          :label  => 'Most downloaded',
+          :order  => 'contributions.site_downloads_count DESC, contributions.rank DESC'
+        },
+        {
+          :option => 'type',
+          :label  => 'Type',
+          :joins  => [ :content_types ],
+          :order  => 'content_types.title, contributions.rank DESC'
+        },
+        {
+          :option => 'licence',
+          :label  => 'Licence',
+          :joins  => [ :licences ],
+          :order  => 'licenses.title, contributions.rank DESC'
+        },
+        {
+          :option => 'topic',
+          :label  => 'Topic',
+          :joins  => [ :topic_workflow_map ],
+          :order  => 'topic_workflow_map.probability, rank DESC'
+        }
+      ],
+      :num_options => ['10', '20', '25', '50', '100'],
+      :filters =>
+      [
+        {
+          :title        => 'category',
+          :query_option => 'CATEGORY',
+          :id_column    => :auth_type,
+          :label_column => :auth_type,
+          :visible_name => true
+        },
+        {
+          :title        => 'type',
+          :query_option => 'TYPE_ID',
+          :id_column    => '',
+          :label_column => 'content_types.title',
+          :joins        => [ :content_types ],
+          :not_null     => true
+        },
+        {
+          :title        => 'tag',
+          :query_option => 'TAG_ID',
+          :id_column    => '',
+          :label_column => '',
+          :joins        => [ :taggings, :tags ]
+        },
+        {
+          :title        => 'user',
+          :query_option => 'USER_ID',
+          :id_column    => '',
+          :label_column => '',
+          :joins        => [ :users ]
+        },
+        {
+          :title        => 'licence',
+          :query_option => 'LICENSE_ID',
+          :id_column    => '',
+          :label_column => 'licenses.unique_name',
+          :joins        => [ :licences ],
+          :not_null     => true
+        },
+        {
+          :title        => 'group',
+          :query_option => 'GROUP_ID',
+          :id_column    => '',
+          :label_column => 'networks.title',
+          :joins        => [ :networks ]
+        },
+        {
+          :title        => 'wsdl',
+          :query_option => 'WSDL_ENDPOINT',
+          :id_column    => 'workflow_processors.wsdl',
+          :label_column => 'workflow_processors.wsdl',
+          :joins        => [ :workflow_processors ],
+          :not_null     => true
+        },
+        {
+          :title        => 'curation',
+          :query_option => 'CURATION_EVENT',
+          :id_column    => 'curation_events.category',
+          :label_column => 'curation_events.category',
+          :joins        => [ :curation_events ],
+          :capitalize   => true
+        },
+      ],
+      :joins =>
+      {
+        :content_types       => "LEFT OUTER JOIN content_types ON contributions.content_type_id =",
+        :licences            => "LEFT OUTER JOIN licenses ON contributions.license_id =",
+        :users               => "INNER JOIN users ON contributions.contributor_type = 'User' AND contributions.contributor_id =",
+        :taggings            => "LEFT OUTER JOIN taggings ON AUTH_TYPE = taggings.taggable_type AND AUTH_ID = taggings.taggable_id",
+        :tags                => "INNER JOIN tags ON taggings.tag_id =",
+        :networks            => "INNER JOIN networks ON permissions.contributor_type = 'Network' AND permissions.contributor_id =",
+        :credits             => "INNER JOIN creditations ON creditations.creditable_type = AUTH_TYPE AND creditations.creditable_id = AUTH_ID",
+        :curation_events     => "INNER JOIN curation_events ON curation_events.object_type = AUTH_TYPE AND curation_events.object_id = AUTH_ID",
+        :workflow_processors => "INNER JOIN workflow_processors ON AUTH_TYPE = 'Workflow' AND workflow_processors.workflow_id = AUTH_ID",
+        :search              => "RIGHT OUTER JOIN search_results ON search_results.result_type = AUTH_TYPE AND search_results.result_id = AUTH_ID",
+        :topic_workflow_map  => "INNER JOIN topic_workflow_map ON = topic_workflow_map.workflow_id"
+      }
+    }
+  end
+  TOKEN_UNKNOWN         = 0x0000
+  TOKEN_AND             = 0x0001
+  TOKEN_OR              = 0x0002
+  TOKEN_WORD            = 0x0003
+  TOKEN_OPEN            = 0x0004
+  TOKEN_CLOSE           = 0x0005
+  TOKEN_STRING          = 0x0006
+  TOKEN_EOS             = 0x00ff
+  NUM_TOKENS            = 6
+  STATE_INITIAL         = 0x0000
+  STATE_EXPECT_OPEN     = 0x0100
+  STATE_EXPECT_STR      = 0x0200
+  STATE_EXPECT_END      = 0x0400
+  STATE_COMPLETE        = 0x0500
+  def parse_filter_expression(expr)
+    def unescape_string(str)
+      str.match(/^"(.*)"$/)[1].gsub(/\\"/, '"')
+    end
+    state  = STATE_INITIAL
+    data   = ""
+    begin
+      tokens = expr.match(/^
+          \s* (\sAND\s)         | # AND operator
+          \s* (\sOR\s)          | # OR operator
+          \s* (\w+)             | # a non-keyword word
+          \s* (\()              | # an open paranthesis
+          \s* (\))              | # a close paranthesis
+          \s* ("(\\.|[^\\"])*")   # double quoted string with backslash escapes
+          /ix)
+      if tokens.nil?
+        token = TOKEN_UNKNOWN
+      else
+        (1..NUM_TOKENS).each do |i|
+          token = i if tokens[i]
+        end
+      end
+      if token == TOKEN_UNKNOWN
+        token = TOKEN_EOS if expr.strip.empty?
+      end
+      case state | token
+        when STATE_INITIAL         | TOKEN_WORD   : state = STATE_EXPECT_OPEN     ; data << { :name => tokens[0], :expr => [] }
+        when STATE_EXPECT_OPEN     | TOKEN_OPEN   : state = STATE_EXPECT_STR
+        when STATE_EXPECT_STR      | TOKEN_STRING : state = STATE_EXPECT_EXPR_END ; data.last[:expr] << tokens[0] 
+        when STATE_EXPECT_EXPR_END | TOKEN_AND    : state = STATE_EXPECT_STR      ; data.last[:expr] << :and 
+        when STATE_EXPECT_EXPR_END | TOKEN_OR     : state = STATE_EXPECT_STR      ; data.last[:expr] << :or 
+        when STATE_EXPECT_END      | TOKEN_AND    : state = STATE_INITIAL         ; data << :and 
+        when STATE_EXPECT_END      | TOKEN_OR     : state = STATE_INITIAL         ; data << :or 
+        when STATE_EXPECT_END      | TOKEN_EOS    : state = STATE_COMPLETE
+        else raise "Error parsing query _expression_"
+      end
+      expr = tokens.post_match unless state == STATE_COMPLETE
+    end while state != STATE_COMPLETE
+    # validate and reduce expressions to current capabilities
+    valid_filters = pivot_options[:filters].map do |f| f[:query_option] end
+    data.each do |category|
+      case category
+      when :or
+        raise "Unsupported query _expression_"
+      when :and
+        # Fine
+      else
+        raise "Unknown filter category" unless valid_filters.include?(category[:name])
+        counts = { :and => 0, :or => 0 }
+        category[:expr].each do |bit|
+          counts[bit] = counts[bit] + 1 if bit.class == Symbol
+        end
+        raise "Unsupported query _expression_" if counts[:and] > 0 && counts[:or] > 0
+        # haven't implemented 'and' within a particular filter yet
+        raise "Unsupported query _expression_" if counts[:and] > 0
+        if category[:expr].length == 1
+          category[:expr] = { :terms => [unescape_string(category[:expr].first)] }
+        else
+          category[:expr] = {
+            :operator => category[:expr][1],
+            :terms    => category[:expr].select do |t|
+              t.class == String
+   do |t|
+              unescape_string(t)
+            end
+          }
+        end
+      end
+    end
+    data
+  end
+  def contributions_list(klass = nil, params = nil, user = nil, opts = {})
+    def escape_sql(str)
+      str.gsub(/\\/, '\&\&').gsub(/'/, "''")
+    end
+    def build_url(params, opts, expr, parts, extra = {})
+      query = {}
+      if parts.include?(:filter)
+        bits = []
+        pivot_options[:filters].each do |filter|
+          if !opts[:lock_filter] || opts[:lock_filter][filter[:query_option]].nil?
+            if find_filter(expr, filter[:query_option])
+              bits << filter[:query_option] + "(\"" + find_filter(expr, filter[:query_option])[:expr][:terms].map do |t| t.gsub(/"/, '\"') end.join("\" OR \"") + "\")"
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        if bits.length > 0
+          query["filter"] = bits.join(" AND ")
+        end
+      end
+      query["query"]        = params[:query]        if params[:query]
+      query["order"]        = params[:order]        if parts.include?(:order)
+      query["filter_query"] = params[:filter_query] if parts.include?(:filter_query)
+      query.merge!(extra)
+      query
+    end
+    def comparison(lhs, rhs)
+      if rhs.length == 1
+        "#{lhs} = '#{escape_sql(rhs.first)}'"
+      else
+        "#{lhs} IN ('#{ do |bit| escape_sql(bit) end.join("', '")}')"
+      end
+    end
+    def create_search_results_table(search_query, models)
+      solr_results = models.first.multi_solr_search(search_query,
+          :models         => models,
+          :results_format => :ids,
+          :limit          => Conf.max_search_size)
+      conn =  ActiveRecord::Base.connection
+      conn.execute("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE search_results (id INT AUTO_INCREMENT UNIQUE KEY, result_type VARCHAR(255), result_id INT)")
+      # This next part converts the search results to SQL values
+      #
+      # from:  { "id" => "Workflow:4" }, { "id" => "Pack:6" }, ...
+      # to:    "(NULL, 'Workflow', '4'), (NULL, 'Pack', '6'), ..."
+      if solr_results.results.length > 0
+        insert_part = do |result|
+          "(NULL, " + result["id"].split(":").map do |bit|
+            "'#{bit}'"
+          end.join(", ") + ")"
+        end.join(", ")
+        conn.execute("INSERT INTO search_results VALUES #{insert_part}")
+      end
+    end
+    def drop_search_results_table
+      ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS search_results")
+    end
+    def calculate_having_clause(filter, opts)
+      having_bits = []
+      pivot_options[:filters].each do |f|
+        if f != filter
+#         if opts[:filters][f[:query_option]] && opts[:filters]["and_#{f[:query_option]}"] == "yes"
+#           having_bits << "(GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT #{f[:id_column]} ORDER BY #{f[:id_column]}) = '#{escape_sql(opts[:filters][f[:query_option]])}')"
+#         end
+        end
+      end
+      return nil if having_bits.empty?
+      "HAVING " + having_bits.join(" OR ")
+    end
+    def column(column, opts)
+      if column == :auth_type
+        if opts[:auth_type]
+          opts[:auth_type]
+        else
+          "contributions.contributable_type"
+        end
+      else
+        column
+      end
+    end
+    def calculate_filter(params, filter, user, opts = {})
+      # apply all the joins and conditions except for the current filter
+      joins      = []
+      conditions = []
+      pivot_options[:filters].each do |other_filter|
+        if filter_list = find_filter(opts[:filters], other_filter[:query_option])
+          unless opts[:inhibit_other_conditions]
+            conditions << comparison(column(other_filter[:id_column], opts), filter_list[:expr][:terms]) unless other_filter == filter
+          end
+          joins += other_filter[:joins] if other_filter[:joins]
+        end
+      end
+      filter_id_column    = column(filter[:id_column],    opts)
+      filter_label_column = column(filter[:label_column], opts)
+      joins += filter[:joins] if filter[:joins]
+      conditions << "#{filter_id_column} IS NOT NULL" if filter[:not_null]
+      unless opts[:inhibit_filter_query]
+        if params[:filter_query]
+          conditions << "(#{filter_label_column} LIKE '%#{escape_sql(params[:filter_query])}%')"
+        end
+      end
+      joins.push(:search) if params[:query] && !opts[:arbitrary_models]
+      current = find_filter(opts[:filters], filter[:query_option]) ? find_filter(opts[:filters], filter[:query_option])[:expr][:terms] : []
+      if opts[:ids].nil?
+        limit = 10
+      else
+        conditions << "(#{filter_id_column} IN ('#{opts[:ids].map do |id| escape_sql(id) end.join("','")}'))"
+        limit = nil
+      end
+      conditions = ? nil : conditions.join(" AND ")
+      if opts[:auth_type] && opts[:auth_id]
+        count_expr = "COUNT(DISTINCT #{opts[:auth_type]}, #{opts[:auth_id]})"
+      else
+        count_expr = "COUNT(DISTINCT contributions.contributable_type, contributions.contributable_id)"
+      end
+      objects = Authorization.authorised_index(params[:query] && opts[:arbitrary_models] ? SearchResult : Contribution,
+          :all,
+          :include_permissions => true,
+          :select => "#{filter_id_column} AS filter_id, #{filter_label_column} AS filter_label, #{count_expr} AS filter_count",
+          :arbitrary_models => opts[:arbitrary_models],
+          :auth_type => opts[:auth_type],
+          :auth_id => opts[:auth_id],
+          :joins => merge_joins(joins, :auth_type => opts[:auth_type], :auth_id => opts[:auth_id]),
+          :conditions => conditions,
+          :group => "#{filter_id_column} #{calculate_having_clause(filter, opts)}",
+          :limit => limit,
+          :order => "#{count_expr} DESC, #{filter_label_column}",
+          :authorised_user => user)
+      objects = do |x| !x[:filter_id].nil? end
+      objects = do |object|
+        value = object.filter_id.to_s
+        selected = current.include?(value)
+        label_expr = deep_clone(opts[:filters])
+        label_expr -= [find_filter(label_expr, filter[:query_option])] if find_filter(label_expr, filter[:query_option])
+        unless selected && current.length == 1
+          label_expr << { :name => filter[:query_option], :expr => { :terms => [value] } }
+        end
+        checkbox_expr = deep_clone(opts[:filters])
+        if expr_filter = find_filter(checkbox_expr, filter[:query_option])
+          if selected
+            expr_filter[:expr][:terms] -= [value]
+          else
+            expr_filter[:expr][:terms] += [value]
+          end
+          checkbox_expr -= [expr_filter] if expr_filter[:expr][:terms].empty?
+        else
+          checkbox_expr << { :name => filter[:query_option], :expr => { :terms => [value] } }
+        end
+        label_uri = build_url(params, opts, label_expr, [:filter, :order], "page" => nil)
+        checkbox_uri = build_url(params, opts, checkbox_expr, [:filter, :order], "page" => nil)
+        label = object.filter_label.clone
+        label = visible_name(label) if filter[:visible_name]
+        label = label.capitalize    if filter[:capitalize]
+        plain_label = object.filter_label
+        if params[:filter_query]
+          label.sub!("(#{params[:filter_query]})", Regexp::IGNORECASE), '<b>\1</b>')
+        end
+        {
+          :object       => object,
+          :value        => value,
+          :label        => label,
+          :plain_label  => plain_label,
+          :count        => object.filter_count,
+          :checkbox_uri => checkbox_uri,
+          :label_uri    => label_uri,
+          :selected     => selected
+        }
+      end
+      [current, objects]
+    end
+    def calculate_filters(params, opts, user)
+      # produce the filter list
+      filters = pivot_options[:filters].clone
+      cancel_filter_query_url = nil
+      filters.each do |filter|
+        # calculate the top n items of the list
+        filter[:current], filter[:objects] = calculate_filter(params, filter, user, opts)
+        # calculate which active filters are missing (because they weren't in the
+        # top part of the list or have a count of zero)
+        missing_filter_ids = filter[:current] - filter[:objects].map do |ob| ob[:value] end
+        if missing_filter_ids.length > 0
+          filter[:objects] += calculate_filter(params, filter, user, opts.merge(:ids => missing_filter_ids))[1]
+        end
+        # calculate which active filters are still missing (because they have a
+        # count of zero)
+        missing_filter_ids = filter[:current] - filter[:objects].map do |ob| ob[:value] end
+        if missing_filter_ids.length > 0
+          zero_list = calculate_filter(params, filter, user, opts.merge(:ids => missing_filter_ids, :inhibit_other_conditions => true))[1]
+          zero_list.each do |x| x[:count] = 0 end
+          zero_list.sort! do |a, b| a[:label] <=> b[:label] end
+          filter[:objects] += zero_list
+        end
+      end
+      [filters, cancel_filter_query_url]
+    end
+    def find_filter(filters, name)
+      filters.find do |f|
+        f[:name] == name
+      end
+    end
+    def merge_joins(joins, opts = {})
+      opts[:auth_type] ||= 'contributions.contributable_type'
+      opts[:auth_id]   ||= 'contributions.contributable_id'
+      if
+        nil
+      else
+ do |j|
+          text = pivot_options[:joins][j]
+          text.gsub!(/AUTH_TYPE/, opts[:auth_type])
+          text.gsub!(/AUTH_ID/,   opts[:auth_id])
+          text
+        end.join(" ")
+      end
+    end
+    joins      = []
+    conditions = []
+    # parse the filter _expression_ if provided.  convert filter _expression_ to
+    # the old format.  this will need to be replaced eventually
+    opts[:filters] ||= []
+    include_reset_url = opts[:filters].length > 0
+    # filter out top level logic operators for now
+    opts[:filters] = opts[:filters].select do |bit|
+      bit.class == Hash
+    end
+    # apply locked filters
+    if opts[:lock_filter]
+      opts[:lock_filter].each do |filter, value|
+        opts[:filters] << { :name => filter, :expr => { :terms => [value] } }
+      end
+    end
+    # perform search if requested
+    group_by = "contributions.contributable_type, contributions.contributable_id"
+    if params["query"]
+      drop_search_results_table
+      create_search_results_table(params["query"], [Workflow, Blob, Pack, User, Network])
+      joins.push(:search) unless opts[:arbitrary_models]
+    end
+    if opts[:arbitrary_models] && params[:query]
+      klass = SearchResult
+      contribution_records = false
+      auth_type = "search_results.result_type"
+      auth_id   = "search_results.result_id"
+      group_by  = "search_results.result_type, search_results.result_id"
+    else
+      contribution_records = true
+    end
+    # determine joins, conditions and order for the main results
+    pivot_options[:filters].each do |filter|
+      if filter_list = find_filter(opts[:filters], filter[:query_option])
+        conditions << comparison(column(filter[:id_column], opts.merge( { :auth_type => auth_type, :auth_id => auth_id } )), filter_list[:expr][:terms])
+        joins += filter[:joins] if filter[:joins]
+      end
+    end
+    order_options = pivot_options[:order].find do |x|
+      x[:option] == params[:order]
+    end
+    order_options ||= pivot_options[:order].first
+    joins += order_options[:joins] if order_options[:joins]
+    having_bits = []
+#   pivot_options[:filters].each do |filter|
+#     if params["and_#{filter[:query_option]}"]
+#       having_bits << "GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT #{filter[:id_column]} ORDER BY #{filter[:id_column]}) = \"#{escape_sql(opts[:filters][filter[:query_option]])}\""
+#     end
+#   end
+    having_clause = ""
+    if having_bits.length > 0
+      having_clause = "HAVING #{having_bits.join(' AND ')}"
+    end
+    # perform the results query
+    results = Authorization.authorised_index(klass,
+        :all,
+        :authorised_user => user,
+        :include_permissions => true,
+        :contribution_records => contribution_records,
+        :arbitrary_models => opts[:arbitrary_models],
+        :auth_type => auth_type,
+        :auth_id => auth_id,
+        :page => { :size => params["num"] ? params["num"].to_i : nil, :current => params["page"] },
+        :joins => merge_joins(joins, :auth_type => auth_type, :auth_id => auth_id),
+        :conditions => ? nil : conditions.join(" AND "),
+        :group => "#{group_by} #{having_clause}",
+        :order => order_options[:order])
+    # produce a query hash to match the current filters
+    opts[:filter_params] = {}
+    pivot_options[:filters].each do |filter|
+      if params[filter[:query_option]]
+        next if opts[:lock_filter] && opts[:lock_filter][filter[:query_option]]
+        opts[:filter_params][filter[:query_option]] = params[filter[:query_option]]
+      end
+    end
+    # produce the filter list
+    opts_for_filter_query = opts.merge( { :auth_type => auth_type,
+        :auth_id => auth_id, :group_by => group_by } )
+    filters, cancel_filter_query_url = calculate_filters(params, opts_for_filter_query, user)
+    # produce the summary.  If a filter query is specified, then we need to
+    # recalculate the filters without the query to get all of them.
+    if params[:filter_query]
+      filters2 = calculate_filters(params, opts_for_filter_query.merge( { :inhibit_filter_query => true } ), user)[0]
+    else
+      filters2 = filters
+    end
+    summary = ""
+ do |filter|
+      next if opts[:lock_filter] && opts[:lock_filter][filter[:query_option]]
+      selected = filter[:objects].select do |x| x[:selected] end
+      current  = do |x| x[:value] end
+      if selected.length > 0
+        selected_labels = do |x|
+          expr = deep_clone(opts[:filters])
+          f = find_filter(expr, filter[:query_option])
+          expr -= f[:expr][:terms] -= [x[:value]]
+          expr -= [f] if f[:expr][:terms].empty?
+          x[:plain_label] + ' <a href="" + url_for(build_url(params, opts, expr,
+          [:filter, :filter_query, :order])) +
+            '">' + " <img src='' /></a>"
+        end
+        bits = do |label| label end.join(" <i>or</i> ")
+        summary << '<span class="filter-in-use"><b>' + filter[:title].capitalize + "</b>: " + bits + "</span> "
+      end
+    end
+    if params[:filter_query]
+      cancel_filter_query_url = build_url(params, opts, opts[:filters], [:filter, :order])
+    end
+    if include_reset_url
+      reset_filters_url = build_url(params, opts, opts[:filters], [:order])
+    end
+    # remove filters that do not help in narrowing down the result set
+    filters = do |filter|
+      if filter[:objects].empty?
+        false
+      elsif opts[:lock_filter] && opts[:lock_filter][filter[:query_option]]
+        false
+      else
+        true
+      end
+    end
+    {
+      :results                 => results,
+      :filters                 => filters,
+      :reset_filters_url       => reset_filters_url,
+      :cancel_filter_query_url => cancel_filter_query_url,
+      :filter_query_url        => build_url(params, opts, opts[:filters], [:filter]),
+      :summary                 => summary
+    }
+  end

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