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[myexperiment-hackers] [2528] trunk: added rake tasks to create/restore

From: noreply
Subject: [myexperiment-hackers] [2528] trunk: added rake tasks to create/restore single file backups
Date: Thu, 4 Nov 2010 12:14:40 -0400 (EDT)

2010-11-04 12:14:40 -0400 (Thu, 04 Nov 2010)

Log Message

added rake tasks to create/restore single file backups

Modified Paths

Added Paths


Modified: trunk/Rakefile (2527 => 2528)

--- trunk/Rakefile	2010-10-08 14:17:26 UTC (rev 2527)
+++ trunk/Rakefile	2010-11-04 16:14:40 UTC (rev 2528)
@@ -44,3 +44,15 @@
+desc 'Create a myExperiment data backup'
+task "myexp:backup:create" do
+  require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/environment'
+  Maintenance::Backup.create
+desc 'Restore from a myExperiment data backup'
+task "myexp:backup:restore" do
+  require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/config/environment'
+  Maintenance::Backup.restore

Added: trunk/lib/maintenance/backup.rb (0 => 2528)

--- trunk/lib/maintenance/backup.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/lib/maintenance/backup.rb	2010-11-04 16:14:40 UTC (rev 2528)
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
+# myExperiment: lib/maintenance/backup.rb
+# Copyright (c) 2010 University of Manchester and the University of Southampton.
+# See license.txt for details.
+require 'rubygems'
+require 'mysql'
+module Maintenance::Backup
+  VERSION        = 1
+  WORKING_DIR    = "tmp/backup"
+  TMP_SQL_FILE   = "backup.sql"
+  TMP_TABLE_NAME = "temp_table_for_filter"
+  TMP_TABLE_FILE = "temp_table.sql"
+  def self.create(opts = {})
+    @backup_filename = DEFAULT_BACKUP_FILENAME
+    def self.backup_database
+      def self.table(opts = {})
+        args = []
+        if opts[:model]
+          models = opts[:model].find(:all)
+          source_table_name = opts[:model].table_name
+        else
+          source_table_name = opts[:name]
+        end
+        if opts[:filter]
+          if opts[:ids]
+            ids = opts[:ids]
+          else
+            models = do |model|
+              if opts[:condition]
+                model.send(opts[:condition])
+              else
+                if opts[:auth_object]
+                  auth_object = model.send(opts[:auth_object])
+                else
+                  auth_object = model
+                end
+                if auth_object.class == User || auth_object.class == Network
+                  true
+                elsif auth_object.class == Contribution
+                  [0, 1, 2].include?(auth_object.policy.share_mode)
+                elsif auth_object.class == Policy
+                  [0, 1, 2].include?(auth_object.share_mode)
+                else
+                  auth_object && [0, 1, 2].include?(auth_object.contribution.policy.share_mode)
+                end
+              end
+            end
+            ids = do |model| end
+          end
+        end
+        if opts[:columns]
+          out_file   = "#{WORKING_DIR}/#{TMP_TABLE_FILE}"
+          table_name = TMP_TABLE_NAME
+          source_table_name = source_table_name
+          column_list       = opts[:columns].join(", ")
+          mysql_execute("address@hidden -e 'CREATE TABLE #{TMP_TABLE_NAME} LIKE #{source_table_name}'")
+          mysql_execute("address@hidden -e 'INSERT INTO #{TMP_TABLE_NAME} (#{column_list}) SELECT #{column_list} FROM #{source_table_name}'")
+          system("rm -f #{WORKING_DIR}/#{TMP_TABLE_FILE}")
+        else
+          out_file   = "#{WORKING_DIR}/#{TMP_SQL_FILE}"
+          table_name = source_table_name
+        end
+        args << "-u address@hidden"
+        args << "address@hidden"
+        args << "--no-data" if opts[:no_data]
+        args << "-h address@hidden"
+        args << "address@hidden"
+        args << "#{table_name} "
+        args << "--where=\"id in (#{ids.join(",")})\"" if opts[:filter]
+        # puts "cmd arguments = #{args.inspect}"
+        system("mysqldump >> #{out_file} #{args.join(' ')}")
+        if opts[:columns]
+          mysql_execute("address@hidden -e 'DROP TABLE #{TMP_TABLE_NAME}'")
+          system("sed -i -e 's/#{TMP_TABLE_NAME}/#{source_table_name}/' #{WORKING_DIR}/#{TMP_TABLE_FILE}")
+          system("cat >> #{WORKING_DIR}/#{TMP_SQL_FILE} #{WORKING_DIR}/#{TMP_TABLE_FILE}")
+        end
+      end
+      content_blob_ids = 
+        (Workflow.find(:all) + Workflow::Version.find(:all) + Blob.find(:all)).select do |x|
+          Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, x, nil)
+ do |x|
+          x.content_blob_id
+        end
+      table(:model => ActivityLimit,          :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Announcement)
+      table(:model => Attribution,            :filter  => true, :auth_object => "attributable")
+      table(:name  => "auto_tables")
+      table(:model => Blob,                   :filter  => true)
+      table(:model => Blog,                   :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => BlogPost,               :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Bookmark)
+      table(:model => Citation,               :filter  => true, :auth_object => "workflow")
+      table(:model => ClientApplication,      :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Comment,                :filter  => true, :auth_object => "commentable")
+      table(:model => ContentBlob,            :filter  => true, :ids => content_blob_ids)
+      table(:model => ContentType)
+      table(:model => Contribution,           :filter  => true)
+      table(:model => Creditation,            :filter  => true, :auth_object => "creditable")
+      table(:model => CurationEvent,          :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Download,               :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Experiment,             :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Friendship)
+      table(:model => GroupAnnouncement,      :filter  => true, :condition   => "public")
+      table(:model => Job,                    :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => KeyPermission,          :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => License)
+      table(:model => LicenseAttribute)
+      table(:model => LicenseOption)
+      table(:model => Membership)
+      table(:model => Message,                :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Network)
+      table(:model => OauthNonce,             :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => OauthToken,             :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Pack,                   :filter  => true)
+      table(:model => PackContributableEntry, :filter  => true, :auth_object => "pack")
+      table(:model => PackRemoteEntry,        :filter  => true, :auth_object => "pack")
+      table(:model => PendingInvitation,      :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Permission,             :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Picture,                :filter  => true, :condition   => "selected?")
+      table(:model => PictureSelection)
+      table(:name  => "plugin_schema_info")
+      table(:model => Policy,                 :filter  => true)
+      table(:model => Profile)
+      table(:model => Rating,                 :filter  => true, :auth_object => "rateable")
+      table(:name  => "relationships",        :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => RemoteWorkflow,         :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Review,                 :filter  => true, :auth_object => "reviewable")
+      table(:name  => "schema_info")
+      table(:name  => "sessions",             :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Tag,                    :filter  => true, :condition   => "public?")
+      table(:model => Tagging,                :filter  => true, :auth_object => "taggable")
+      table(:model => TavernaEnactor,         :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => User,                   :columns => [:id, :name, :created_at, :activated_at])
+      table(:model => Viewing,                :no_data => true)
+      table(:model => Vocabulary)
+      table(:model => Workflow,               :filter  => true)
+      table(:model => Workflow::Version,      :filter  => true, :auth_object => "workflow")
+    end
+    def self.backup_files
+      def self.add_path(path, cmd)
+        cmd << " #{path}" if File.exist?(path)
+      end
+      cmd = "tar czf address@hidden"
+      Workflow.find(:all).select do |w|
+        if Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, w, nil)
+          add_path("public/workflow/image/#{}", cmd)
+          add_path("public/workflow/svg/#{}",   cmd)
+        end
+      end
+      Workflow::Version.find(:all).select do |wv|
+        if Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, wv.workflow, nil)
+          add_path("public/workflow/version/image/#{}", cmd)
+          add_path("public/workflow/version/svg/#{}",   cmd)
+        end
+      end
+      system("echo > #{WORKING_DIR}/version #{VERSION}")
+      add_path("#{WORKING_DIR}/#{TMP_SQL_FILE}", cmd)
+      add_path("#{WORKING_DIR}/version", cmd)
+      # puts "cmd = #{cmd.inspect}"
+      system(cmd)
+    end
+    db_config = YAML::load_file("config/database.yml")[ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || "development"]
+    @mysql_host     = db_config["host"]
+    @mysql_database = db_config["database"]
+    @mysql_user     = db_config["username"]
+    @mysql_password = db_config["password"]
+    FileUtils.rm_rf(WORKING_DIR)
+    FileUtils.mkdir_p(WORKING_DIR)
+    backup_database
+    backup_files
+    FileUtils.rm_rf(WORKING_DIR)
+  end
+  def self.restore(opts = {})
+    db_config = YAML::load_file("config/database.yml")[ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || "development"]
+    @mysql_host     = db_config["host"]
+    @mysql_database = db_config["database"]
+    @mysql_user     = db_config["username"]
+    @mysql_password = db_config["password"]
+    @backup_filename = DEFAULT_BACKUP_FILENAME
+    # Clear the file cache
+    Rake::Task['tmp:cache:clear'].execute
+    # Remove the pictures and workflow directories
+    FileUtils.rm_rf("public/pictures")
+    FileUtils.rm_rf("public/workflow")
+    # Recreate the database
+    mysql_execute("-e 'DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS address@hidden'")
+    mysql_execute("-e 'CREATE DATABASE address@hidden'")
+    # Extract the backup file
+    FileUtils.rm_rf(WORKING_DIR)
+    FileUtils.mkdir_p(WORKING_DIR)
+    system("tar xzf address@hidden")
+    # Check the version number
+    backup_version ="#{WORKING_DIR}/version").to_i
+    if backup_version > VERSION
+      raise "Cannot restore backup as backup file version (#{backup_version}) is " +
+        "too high for the backup script to handle (#{VERSION})"
+    end
+    # Load database from the SQL dump
+    mysql_execute("< #{WORKING_DIR}/#{TMP_SQL_FILE} address@hidden")
+    FileUtils.rm_rf(WORKING_DIR)
+  end
+  def self.mysql_execute(statement)
+    system("mysql -u address@hidden address@hidden -h address@hidden #{statement}")
+  end
Property changes on: trunk/lib/maintenance/backup.rb

Added: svn:executable

Modified: trunk/vendor/plugins/acts_as_taggable_redux/lib/tag.rb (2527 => 2528)

--- trunk/vendor/plugins/acts_as_taggable_redux/lib/tag.rb	2010-10-08 14:17:26 UTC (rev 2527)
+++ trunk/vendor/plugins/acts_as_taggable_redux/lib/tag.rb	2010-11-04 16:14:40 UTC (rev 2528)
@@ -41,6 +41,16 @@
     @tagged ||= taggings.collect(&:taggable)
+  def tagged_auth(user)
+ do |taggable|
+      Authorization.is_authorized?('view', nil, taggable, user)
+    end
+  end
+  def public?
+    tagged_auth(nil).length > 0
+  end
   # Compare tags by name
   def ==(comparison_object)
     super || name == comparison_object.to_s

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