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[myexperiment-hackers] [2034] branches/event_logging/app/helpers/applica

From: noreply
Subject: [myexperiment-hackers] [2034] branches/event_logging/app/helpers/application_helper.rb: News generation.
Date: Fri, 5 Dec 2008 09:40:03 -0500 (EST)

2008-12-05 09:40:03 -0500 (Fri, 05 Dec 2008)

Log Message

News generation. Work on news entry grouping. Creditations now grouped together.

Modified Paths


Modified: branches/event_logging/app/helpers/application_helper.rb (2033 => 2034)

--- branches/event_logging/app/helpers/application_helper.rb	2008-12-05 12:37:35 UTC (rev 2033)
+++ branches/event_logging/app/helpers/application_helper.rb	2008-12-05 14:40:03 UTC (rev 2034)
@@ -2361,35 +2361,92 @@
       when "Creditation"
         if action == "create"
-            creditation = Creditation.find(log_entry.activity_loggable_id)
-            object, object_path = evaluate_object_instance_and_path(creditation.creditable_type, creditation.creditable_id)
-            object_visible_name = contributable_name_from_instance(object)
+            # process potentially multiple creditations
+            all_creditation_ids = [log_entry.activity_loggable_id]
+            extra_objects.each do |extra_creditation|
+              # all of the "extra objects" will be creditations, no need to check the type
+              all_creditation_ids << extra_creditation[1]
+            end
-            # the news item to be displayed if the current viewer is allowed to see the affected contributable
-            authorized = ( my_event || object.authorized?("view", current_viewer) )
+            not_found_creditation_count = 0
+            credited_whom_strings = []
+            find_object = true
+            original_creditation = nil
-            # wording for credit to the user themself follows a different pattern
-            if (log_entry.culprit_type == log_entry.referenced_type && log_entry.culprit_id == log_entry.referenced_id)  
-              credited_whom = "themself"
-            else
-              case log_entry.referenced_type
-                when "User"
-                  credited_whom = name(log_entry.referenced_id, nil, false)
-                  return nil if credited_whom.nil?
-                when "Network"
-                  network_title = title(log_entry.referenced_id)
-                  return nil if network_title.nil?
-                  credited_whom = "the #{network_title} Group"
+            all_creditation_ids.each do |creditation_id|
+              # protected block required to ensure that if several - not all bookmarks are missing, remaining still get displayed
+              begin
+                # if the creditation is found, no need to check for culprit existence - it's the same culprit in all grouped creditations  
+                # (due to the way grouping works), and was already checked to exist
+                creditation = nil
+                creditation = Creditation.find(creditation_id)
+                credited_whom = ""
+                if find_object
+                  # first "valid" iteration of the loop - need to find the object for which actors are credited;
+                  # and check if current viewer is authorized to see this
+                  original_creditation = creditation
+                  object, object_path = evaluate_object_instance_and_path(original_creditation.creditable_type, original_creditation.creditable_id)
+                  object_visible_name = contributable_name_from_instance(object)
+                  find_object = false
+                  # the news item to be displayed if the current viewer is allowed to see the affected contributable
+                  authorized = ( my_event || object.authorized?("view", current_viewer) )
+                  return nil unless authorized
+                end
+                # it's most likely that the grouping was done correctly (it's done by culprit_type/ID and the exact timestamp),
+                # but still need to check if the extra_creditation is giving credit to someone for the same object as the original one
+                # (just in case - to prevent any -- unlikely as the timestamps are matched up to the last second -- coincidents)
+                if (original_creditation.creditable_type == creditation.creditable_type && original_creditation.creditable_id == creditation.creditable_id)
+                  # all good so far, can join the credited person;
+                  # wording for credit to the user themself follows a different pattern (will also check that each credited actor still exists)
+                  if (log_entry.culprit_type == creditation.creditor_type && log_entry.culprit_id == creditation.creditor_id)  
+                    credited_whom = "themself"
+                  else
+                    case creditation.creditor_type
+                      when "User"
+                        credited_whom = name(creditation.creditor_id, nil, false)
+                      when "Network"
+                        network_title = title(creditation.creditor_id)
+                        credited_whom = (network_title.nil? ? nil : "the #{network_title} Group")
+                      else
+                        credited_whom = "(#{creditation.creditor_type},#{creditation.creditor_id})"
+                    end
+                  end
+                  credited_whom_strings << credited_whom unless credited_whom.nil?
+                # else
+                  # this can't be matched, so will be discarded (very unlikely event, so it's not
+                  # a problem that it might not appear in the news feed at some point)
+                end
+              rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+                if creditation.nil?
+                  # just one of the creditations missing
+                  not_found_creditation_count += 1
-                  credited_whom = "(#{log_entry.referenced_type},#{log_entry.referenced_id})"
+                  # object not found - no reason for further processing, as all of
+                  # these creditations should refer to the same object
+                  raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, "The subject of creditations not found"
+                end
+            if not_found_creditation_count == all_creditation_ids.length
+              raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, "None of the creditations found"
+            elsif credited_whom_strings.empty?
+              raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, "None of the credited actors found"
+            end
             if authorized
-              rtn << [timestamp, "#{culprit_link} <span class='news_feed_action'>credited</span> #{credited_whom} for #{link_to object_visible_name, object_path} #{model_visible_name(object.class.to_s, true, object)}.", "Creditations"]
+              rtn << [timestamp, "#{culprit_link} <span class='news_feed_action'>credited</span> #{credited_whom_strings.join(", ")} for #{link_to object_visible_name, object_path} #{model_visible_name(object.class.to_s, true, object)}.", "Creditations"]
-          rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
+          rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound # => e
             # do nothing, but don't display the news entry for missing creditation / object
+            #puts "================= Creditations -- ERRORS =================="
+            #puts e

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