Another vote for the new nomenclature -
'onreboot' is perfect.
I could make a weak argument for conforming the args to what is
most commonly used in motherboard BIOS' for 'after power loss' -
turnon, stayoff, laststate. But I'm not too sure it's any clearer
than as proposed.
On 5/6/16 08:53, Noel wrote:
On 5/6/2016 8:09 AM, Guillaume
François wrote:
In fact, it could be still a bit confusing with the
current keyword especially with the "mode".
Instead of mode < auto | noauto |
adaptive >
maybe the following is more explicit onreboot < start | nostart | laststate >
I was writing something like the above, but François beat me to
I strongly agree with this suggestion. start/nostart/laststate is
far more intuitive and descriptive than auto and adaptive.
And much better to use a new a new keyword rather than repurposing
an existing keyword.
-- Noel Jones
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