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Re: How to configure monit to alert only once per day for a check progra

From: Rui Lapa
Subject: Re: How to configure monit to alert only once per day for a check program
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2015 23:34:54 +0000

This won't do time based:

I don't know if anybody has other idea/way, but you can cron a schedule to
> monit unmonitor check_table
> sleep 5
> monit monitor check_table
on your once per day time.

But it will also report sucess.

On 10/15/2015 09:31 PM, Vikram Kone wrote:
> Scheduling works. What about alerting once per day even if earlier alert
> is active ?
> -V
> On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 2:15 PM -0700, "Rui Lapa" <address@hidden
> <mailto:address@hidden>> wrote:
>      > man 5 crontab
>     "0 19-23 * * *"
>     On October 15, 2015 9:00:58 PM WEST, Vikram Kone
>     <address@hidden> wrote:
>         Hi
>         I have a check program script that I want to run using
>         monit every hour starting at 12pm PST/ 19 UTC.
>         The script is pretty basic. It gets the current time , and then
>         execute a SQL query against a mysql db using the current date to
>         check if a table has data in it (select count (*) from table
>         where date = $today). If count = 0 it exits with code 0 else
>         with exit code 1.
>         I have the following config
>         check program check_table
>                with path /opt/monit/scripts/
>                every "* 19 * * *"
>                if status != 0 then alert
>         What this is currently doing is, starting at 12 PM, it executes
>         the script every 2 mins (my default polling interval ) till 1pm.
>         If it fails at the first check it raises an alert, and for the
>         subsequent checks it doesn't raise an alert. I'm guessing there
>         is some throttling in place that prevents monit from alerting
>         for the same issue more than once. But the problem is when next
>         day comes and at 12pm it starts the check again and it fails, I
>         don't get a new alert because there is already an active alert
>         for this.
>         How can I solve this problem being able to get at most one alert
>         every day for this check
>         --
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>     Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.

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