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monit app log file tailing issue

From: Tomich,John
Subject: monit app log file tailing issue
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2015 19:56:27 +0000

Hello monit team,


I have a situation with monit I'd appreciate advice on.  When monit follows an app log file, if you tell it to unmonitor the log for a period of time (for example, to perform maintenance on the app), then later tell it to resume monitoring, monit potentially will encounter trigger events in the app log that occurred during the unmonitored window and try to act on them, rather than reading to current end-of-file before taking any action.  Is there any way to prevent this?


Many thanks for your insights.



Best regards,


John Tomich, IS Web Infrastructure

Direct:  480.337.5854

Page:  602.208.9893


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