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Re: Conditional check process?

From: Vincent WATREMEZ
Subject: Re: Conditional check process?
Date: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 14:21:30 +0200


(Not tested live): you may very well use a condition in your start command, eg:
start = "test -f /tmp/do_not_start_sidekiq.txt || /bin/bash -l -c 'bundle exec sidekiqctl start" as uid jim and gid jim with timeout 250 seconds

Please tell the mailing list if it was what you seek & whether it worked for you ; that would be nice ;-)


2014-07-23 13:59 GMT+02:00 Niels Kristian Schjødt <address@hidden>:
I have a monit script that does something like this:

check process sidekiq_1 with pidfile /tmp/pids/
  start program = "/bin/bash -l -c 'bundle exec sidekiqctl start" as uid jim and gid jim with timeout 250 seconds
  stop program = "/bin/bash -l -c 'bundle exec sidekiqctl stop" as uid jim and gid jim with timeout 120 seconds
  if cpu usage > 25% for 18 cycles then restart
  if mem > 1500.0 MB for 18 cycles then restart

This is great, however I need to have the check made conditional based on the existence of a trigger file like so:

        Only execute the check (start the process), if the file /tmp/do_not_start_sidekiq.txt is NOT present.

In this way i could do a "touch /tmp/do_not_start_sidekiq.txt” if I wanted to shut down the processes and not have monit starting them again, before I did a “rm /tmp/do_not_start_sidekiq.txt”

How would I do that in this monit?
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