the default HTTP protocol test returns just failure if the HTTP code is error.
You can use the "check program" test with custom script and use curl/wget to get the http response code, for example (not tested):
exit `curl -sL -w "%{http_code}\\n" "http://mymachine" -o /dev/null`
and then connect it to Monit like this:
check process apache with pidfile /var/run/
start program = ...
stop program = ...
check program myhttptest with path /usr/local/bin/
if status == 502 then restart
depends on apache
Another option is to use the generic send/expect test to write simple HTTP check and test the 502 response - generic example from the monit manual:
if failed host port 4040
send "Open, Sesame!\r\n"
expect "Please enter the cave\r\n"
send "Shut, Sesame!\r\n"
expect "See you later [A-Za-z ]+\r\n"
then restart
On Oct 30, 2012, at 1:57 PM, Houssan A. Hijazi <address@hidden> wrote:
> Hi,
> i am on dreamhost using nginx with fastcgi, i need use monit to monitoring the nginx error, if error is 502 so restart.
> in my monit.log i have:
> HTTP error: Server returned status 502
> How i can see if host returned 502 error ?
> Thanks