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Re: MMonit - Display Text if Error

From: Martin Pala
Subject: Re: MMonit - Display Text if Error
Date: Thu, 1 Nov 2012 14:40:04 +0100


this is not possible in the current M/Monit version - the next version displays active events and their text in the dashboard.


On Nov 1, 2012, at 1:02 PM, Conor C - Hudson Valley Host <address@hidden> wrote:


I have MMonit and Monit installed and would like to know the following:
  • How can I display a certain peice of text (lets say "Error - Attention Needed") if a server fails?  What I mean by this is, lets say SSHD fails, you get the red LED status icon next to the server in MMonit, but i'd like a message to be added to the status page when this error occurs. So, if there is a server issue, display message on /status/index.csp.

  • I want to run the command "netstat -n | grep 80 | wc -l" to list http connections (check for DDoS attack), but how can this be returned to M/Monit?

Thanks very much!



Conor C.

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