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Re: Monit Not Starting Properly

From: Martin Pala
Subject: Re: Monit Not Starting Properly
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2012 00:00:19 +0200


the config looks OK ... please check:
1.) whether the access to port 2812 is allowed (the firewall in the middle or on the host can stop your attempt to access port 2812 on that machine)
2.) whether monit is really running - although the cento's start script reported OK, it could be good to verify with "ps -ef | grep monit" that monit started
3.) please can you attach your monit log?

You can also run monit in verbose mode using the "-v" switch.


On Oct 10, 2012, at 11:41 PM, Christopher Beckwith <address@hidden> wrote:

Hello Fellas,

New to the mailing list, so let me know if this is the wrong place to be asking this.

I've just installed Monit 5.5 on Centos 5.8 on a Media Temple (dv) as root using the following instructions:

Running monit -t shows syntax is ok.

However, on the last step of the installation: /etc/init.d/monit start

It says:

Starting monit: 
address@hidden monit-5.5]# 

Where is I believe it's suppose to say:

Starting monit: Starting monit daemon with http interface at [*:2812]
[  OK  ]

Going to http://your_ip_here:2812 doesn't bring up a page. My config file is:

If anyone can shed any light on why it's not starting or things I can do to test and debug that would be great. Thanks so much! Looking forward to trying it out.

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