Le 12/04/2012 09:06, David Montgomery a écrit :
Hi, agreed about using restart as being more elegant. But I am having
and issues about restarting the runit service after I try and break it
under load using apache AB using a t1.micro.
if I use the below..the service will never restart. the pixelServer
is a python web.py script executed using spawn-fcgi. I am using nginx
and unix sockets (unixsocket /tmp/nginx9002.socket).
In monit...I still get a green light for the service as well
check process pixelServer
with pidfile "/etc/sv/pixelServer/supervise/pid"
start program = "/usr/bin/sv start pixelServer"
stop program = "/usr/bin/sv kill pixelServer"
if failed host port 80 protocol http
request /pixel
then restart
something like below may help.
This ensure that no process is still running before doing a start.
check process pixelServer
with pidfile "/etc/sv/pixelServer/
start program = "/usr/bin/killall pixelServer && sleep 2 ; usr/bin/sv start pixelServer"
stop program = "/usr/bin/sv kill pixelServer"
if failed host port 80 protocol http
request /pixel
then restart