Using monit 5.3.2 on CentOS 2.6.18-238.19.1.el5.028stab092.2 x86_64 GNU/Linux.
I'm trying to set a longer timeout on a start program line, but it doesn't seem to be taking. Any advice appreciated.
check process xyz
with pidfile
start program = "start_program_cmd" with timeout 90 seconds
stop program = "stop_program_cmd"
When I look at the monitored program in the httpd server, it shows:
Start program
'start_program_cmd' as uid 500 as gid 500 timeout 30 second(s)
And after 30 seconds it reports a start failure, because the process I'm starting takes longer than 30 seconds to initialize. According to the documentation I read, "with timeout" is supported on Monit versions > 5.0