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Re: Capture process stdout when inited by Monit

From: Jan-Henrik Haukeland
Subject: Re: Capture process stdout when inited by Monit
Date: Wed, 5 Oct 2011 02:50:00 +0200

Appending stdout of a processs to a log file has always been possible. Just 
wrap the program in a shell and simply pipe the output as you want. For 

 start program = "/usr/bin/bash -c '2>&1 1>>/some/file /bin/ls'"

I should also mention that we recently have added a 'check program' option to 
Monit. This allows Monit to execute and test the exit value of the program. If 
the program fails, Monit will grab stderr and make that part of the alert 
message and log it. 

On Oct 5, 2011, at 1:20 AM, Michael McCormick wrote:

> Did anything ever come of this? I have a process that logs to the stdout and 
> I want to >> to a log file. 
> Re: [monit] Capturing a monitored processes stdout and stderr
> From: Jan-Henrik Haukeland
> Subject:      Re: [monit] Capturing a monitored processes stdout and stderr
> Date: Wed, 02 Jul 2008 02:19:51 +0200
> This is not possible now. I'm working on implementing script support for 
> monit and while doing that will also add support for piping stdout and err 
> from a executed program.

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