/* * Copyright (C) Tildeslash Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * * In addition, as a special exception, the copyright holders give * permission to link the code of portions of this program with the * OpenSSL library under certain conditions as described in each * individual source file, and distribute linked combinations * including the two. * * You must obey the GNU Affero General Public License in all respects * for all of the code used other than OpenSSL. */ #include "config.h" #ifdef HAVE_STDIO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STDLIB_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_ERRNO_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_SOCKET_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRING_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_STRINGS_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H #include #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H #include #endif #include "monit.h" #include "cervlet.h" #include "engine.h" #include "processor.h" #include "base64.h" #include "event.h" #include "alert.h" #include "process.h" #include "device.h" // libmonit #include "system/Time.h" #define ACTION(c) !strncasecmp(req->url, c, sizeof(c)) /* URL Commands supported */ #define HOME "/" #define TEST "/_monit" #define ABOUT "/_about" #define PING "/_ping" #define GETID "/_getid" #define STATUS "/_status" #define STATUS2 "/_status2" #define RUN "/_runtime" #define VIEWLOG "/_viewlog" #define DOACTION "/_doaction" /* Private prototypes */ static int is_readonly(HttpRequest); static void doGet(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void doPost(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_home(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_home_system(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_home_filesystem(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_home_directory(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_home_file(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_home_fifo(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_home_process(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_home_program(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_home_host(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_about(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_ping(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_getid(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_runtime(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_viewlog(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void handle_action(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void handle_do_action(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void handle_run(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void is_monit_running(HttpRequest, HttpResponse); static void do_service(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_alerts(HttpResponse, Mail_T); static void print_buttons(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_port(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_icmp(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_perm(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_uid(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_gid(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_timestamp(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_filesystem(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_size(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_match(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_checksum(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_process(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_program(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_rules_resource(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_port(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_icmp(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_perm(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_uid(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_gid(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_timestamp(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_filesystem(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_size(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_match(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_checksum(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_process(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_resource(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_service_params_program(HttpResponse, Service_T); static void print_status(HttpRequest, HttpResponse, int); static void status_service_txt(Service_T, HttpResponse, short); static char *get_monitoring_status(Service_T s, char *, int); static char *get_service_status(Service_T, char *, int); static char *get_service_status_html(Service_T, char *, int); /** * Implementation of doGet and doPost routines used by the cervlet * processor module. This particilary cervlet will provide * information about the monit deamon and programs monitored by * monit. * * @file */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------ Public */ /** * Callback hook to the Processor module for registering this modules * doGet and doPost methods. */ void init_service() { add_Impl(doGet, doPost); } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Private */ /** * Called by the Processor (via the service method) * to handle a POST request. */ static void doPost(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { set_content_type(res, "text/html"); if(ACTION(RUN)) { handle_run(req, res); } else if(ACTION(DOACTION)) { handle_do_action(req, res); } else { handle_action(req, res); } } /** * Called by the Processor (via the service method) * to handle a GET request. */ static void doGet(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { set_content_type(res, "text/html"); if(ACTION(HOME)) { LOCK(Run.mutex) do_home(req, res); END_LOCK; } else if(ACTION(RUN)) { handle_run(req, res); } else if(ACTION(TEST)) { is_monit_running(req, res); } else if(ACTION(VIEWLOG)) { do_viewlog(req, res); } else if(ACTION(ABOUT)) { do_about(req, res); } else if(ACTION(PING)) { do_ping(req, res); } else if(ACTION(GETID)) { do_getid(req, res); } else if(ACTION(STATUS)) { print_status(req, res, 1); } else if(ACTION(STATUS2)) { print_status(req, res, 2); } else if(ACTION(DOACTION)) { handle_do_action(req, res); } else { handle_action(req, res); } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- Helpers */ static void is_monit_running(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { int status; int monit= exist_daemon(); if(monit) { status= SC_OK; } else { status= SC_GONE; } set_status(res, status); } static void do_home(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { char *uptime= Util_getUptime(Util_getProcessUptime(Run.pidfile), " "); HEAD("", "", Run.polltime) out_print(res, "" " " " " " " "", Run.localhostname, uptime); FREE(uptime); do_home_system(req, res); do_home_process(req, res); do_home_program(req, res); do_home_filesystem(req, res); do_home_file(req, res); do_home_fifo(req, res); do_home_directory(req, res); do_home_host(req, res); FOOT } static void do_about(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { out_print(res, "about monit" "

" "monit " VERSION "

"); out_print(res, ""); out_print(res, "
"); out_print(res, "

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or " "modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3

" "

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but " "WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of " "MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the " "" "GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details.

"); out_print(res, "

[Back to Monit]

"); } static void do_ping(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { out_print(res, "pong"); } static void do_getid(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { out_print(res, "%s", Run.id); } static void do_runtime(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { int pid= exist_daemon(); HEAD("_runtime", "Runtime", 1000) out_print(res, "

Monit runtime status

"); out_print(res, "" "" ""); out_print(res, "", Run.id); out_print(res, "", Run.localhostname); out_print(res, "", pid); out_print(res, "" "", Run.Env.user); out_print(res, "", Run.controlfile); if(Run.logfile) out_print(res, "", Run.logfile); out_print(res, "", Run.pidfile); out_print(res, "", Run.statefile); out_print(res, "", Run.debug?"True":"False"); out_print(res, "", Run.dolog?"True":"False"); out_print(res, "", Run.use_syslog?"True":"False"); if(Run.eventlist_dir) { char slots[STRLEN]; if(Run.eventlist_slots < 0) snprintf(slots, STRLEN, "unlimited"); else snprintf(slots, STRLEN, "%d", Run.eventlist_slots); out_print(res, "" "", Run.eventlist_dir, Run.eventlist_slots); } if(Run.mmonits) { Mmonit_T c; out_print(res, "%s", c->url->url, c->timeout, c->ssl.use_ssl?" ssl version ":"", c->ssl.use_ssl?sslnames[c->ssl.version]:"", c->ssl.certmd5?" server cert md5 sum ":"", c->ssl.certmd5?c->ssl.certmd5:"", c->next?""); } if(Run.MailFormat.from) out_print(res, "", Run.MailFormat.from); if(Run.MailFormat.subject) out_print(res, "", Run.MailFormat.subject); if(Run.MailFormat.message) out_print(res, "", Run.MailFormat.message); out_print(res, "", Run.polltime, Run.startdelay); out_print(res, "", Run.bind_addr?Run.bind_addr:"Any/All"); out_print(res, "", Run.httpdport); out_print(res, "", Run.httpdsig?"True":"False"); out_print(res, "", Run.httpdssl?"True":"False"); if (Run.httpdssl) { out_print(res, "", Run.httpsslpem); if (Run.httpsslclientpem!=NULL) { out_print(res, "", "Enabled"); out_print(res, "", Run.httpsslclientpem); } else { out_print(res, "", "Disabled"); } out_print(res, "", Run.allowselfcert?"True":"False"); } out_print(res, "", (Run.credentials!=NULL)&&(has_hosts_allow())? "Basic Authentication and Host/Net allow list": (Run.credentials!=NULL)?"Basic Authentication": (has_hosts_allow())?"Host/Net allow list": "No authentication"); print_alerts(res, Run.maillist); out_print(res, "
Monit ID%s
Process id%d
Effective user running Monit%s
State file%s
Use syslog%s
Event queuebase directory %s with %d slots
M/Monit server(s)"); for(c= Run.mmonits; c; c= c->next) { out_print(res, "%s with timeout %d seconds%s%s%s%s
 ":""); } printf("\n"); } if(Run.mailservers) { MailServer_T mta; out_print(res, "
Mail server(s)"); for(mta= Run.mailservers; mta; mta= mta->next) out_print(res, "%s:%d%s ", mta->host, mta->port, mta->ssl.use_ssl?"(ssl)":""); out_print(res, "
Default mail from%s
Default mail subject%s
Default mail message%s
Poll time%d seconds with start delay %d seconds
httpd bind address%s
httpd portnumber%d
httpd signature%s
Use ssl encryption%s
PEM key/certificate file%s
Client PEM key/certification" "%s
Client PEM key/certificate file" "%s
Client PEM key/certification" "%s
Allow self certified certificates " "%s
httpd auth. style%s
"); if(!is_readonly(req)) { out_print(res, ""); out_print(res, ""); out_print(res, ""); if(Run.dolog && !Run.use_syslog) { out_print(res, ""); } out_print(res, "
Stop Monit http server? " "
Force validate now? " "
View Monit logfile?
"); } FOOT } static void do_viewlog(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { if(is_readonly(req)) { send_error(res, SC_FORBIDDEN, "You do not have sufficent privileges to access this page"); return; } HEAD("_viewlog", "View log", 100) if(Run.dolog && !Run.use_syslog) { struct stat sb; if(!stat(Run.logfile, &sb)) { FILE *f= fopen(Run.logfile, "r"); if(f) { #define BUFSIZE 512 size_t n; char buf[BUFSIZE+1]; out_print(res, "

"); } else { out_print(res, "Error opening logfile: %s", STRERROR); } } else { out_print(res, "Error stating logfile: %s", STRERROR); } } else { out_print(res, "Cannot view logfile:
"); if(!Run.dolog) { out_print(res, "Monit was started without logging"); } else { out_print(res, "Monit uses syslog"); } } FOOT } static void handle_action(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { int doaction; char *name = req->url; const char *action; Service_T s; if(!(s = Util_getService(++name))) { send_error(res, SC_NOT_FOUND, "There is no service by that name"); return; } if((action = get_parameter(req, "action"))) { const char *token = NULL; if(is_readonly(req)) { send_error(res, SC_FORBIDDEN, "You do not have sufficent privileges to access this page"); return; } doaction = Util_getAction(action); if(doaction == ACTION_IGNORE) { send_error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid action"); return; } if(s->doaction != ACTION_IGNORE) { send_error(res, SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Other action already in progress -- please try again later"); return; } s->doaction = doaction; token = get_parameter(req, "token"); if (token) { FREE(s->token); s->token = xstrdup(token); } LogInfo("'%s' %s on user request\n", s->name, action); Run.doaction = TRUE; /* set the global flag */ do_wakeupcall(); } do_service(req, res, s); } static void handle_do_action(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { Service_T s; int doaction = ACTION_IGNORE; const char *action = get_parameter(req, "action"); const char *token = get_parameter(req, "token"); if(action) { HttpParameter p; if(is_readonly(req)) { send_error(res, SC_FORBIDDEN, "You do not have sufficent privileges to access this page"); return; } if((doaction = Util_getAction(action)) == ACTION_IGNORE) { send_error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, "Invalid action"); return; } for(p= req->params; p; p= p->next) { if(!strcasecmp(p->name, "service")) { s = Util_getService(p->value); if(!s) { send_error(res, SC_BAD_REQUEST, "There is no service by that name"); return; } if(s->doaction != ACTION_IGNORE) { send_error(res, SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "Other action already in progress -- please try again later"); return; } s->doaction = doaction; LogInfo("'%s' %s on user request\n", s->name, action); } } /* Set token for last service only so we'll get it back after all services were handled */ if (token) { Service_T q = NULL; for (s = servicelist; s; s = s->next) if (s->doaction == doaction) q = s; if (q) { FREE(q->token); q->token = xstrdup(token); } } Run.doaction = TRUE; do_wakeupcall(); } } static void handle_run(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { const char *action= get_parameter(req, "action"); if(action) { if(is_readonly(req)) { send_error(res, SC_FORBIDDEN, "You do not have sufficent privileges to access this page"); return; } if(IS(action, "validate")) { LogInfo("The Monit http server woke up on user request\n"); do_wakeupcall(); } else if(IS(action, "stop")) { LogInfo("The Monit http server stopped on user request\n"); send_error(res, SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "The Monit http server is stopped"); stop_httpd(); return; } } LOCK(Run.mutex) do_runtime(req, res); END_LOCK; } static void do_service(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { Dependant_T d; ActionRate_T ar; ServiceGroup_T sg; ServiceGroupMember_T sgm; char buf[STRLEN]; ASSERT(s); HEAD(s->name, s->name, Run.polltime) out_print(res, "

%s status

" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "", servicetypes[s->type], s->name); if(s->type == TYPE_PROCESS) out_print(res, "", s->matchlist ? "Match" : "Pid file", s->path); else if(s->type != TYPE_HOST && s->type != TYPE_SYSTEM) out_print(res, "", s->path); out_print(res, "", get_service_status_html(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); for (sg = servicegrouplist; sg; sg = sg->next) for (sgm = sg->members; sgm; sgm = sgm->next) if (! strcasecmp(sgm->name, s->name)) out_print(res, "", sg->name); out_print(res, "", modenames[s->mode]); out_print(res, "", get_monitoring_status(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); for(d= s->dependantlist; d; d= d->next) { if(d->dependant != NULL) { out_print(res, "", d->dependant, d->dependant); } } if(s->start) { int i= 0; out_print(res, ""); } if(s->stop) { int i= 0; out_print(res, ""); } if(s->type != TYPE_SYSTEM) { out_print(res, "", Util_describeAction(s->action_NONEXIST->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } if (s->every.type != EVERY_CYCLE) { out_print(res, ""); } for (ar = s->actionratelist; ar; ar = ar->next) out_print(res, "", ar->count, ar->cycle, Util_describeAction(ar->action->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "", Time_string(s->collected.tv_sec, buf)); /* Parameters */ print_service_params_icmp(res, s); print_service_params_port(res, s); print_service_params_perm(res, s); print_service_params_uid(res, s); print_service_params_gid(res, s); print_service_params_timestamp(res, s); print_service_params_filesystem(res, s); print_service_params_size(res, s); print_service_params_match(res, s); print_service_params_checksum(res, s); print_service_params_process(res, s); print_service_params_resource(res, s); print_service_params_program(res, s); /* Rules */ print_service_rules_icmp(res, s); print_service_rules_port(res, s); print_service_rules_perm(res, s); print_service_rules_uid(res, s); print_service_rules_gid(res, s); print_service_rules_timestamp(res, s); print_service_rules_filesystem(res, s); print_service_rules_size(res, s); print_service_rules_match(res, s); print_service_rules_checksum(res, s); print_service_rules_process(res, s); print_service_rules_program(res, s); print_service_rules_resource(res, s); print_alerts(res, s->maillist); out_print(res, "
Monitoring mode%s
Monitoring status%s
Depends on service %s
Start program'"); while(s->start->arg[i]) { if(i) out_print(res, " "); out_print(res, "%s", s->start->arg[i++]); } out_print(res, "'"); if(s->start->has_uid) out_print(res, " as uid %d", s->start->uid); if(s->start->has_gid) out_print(res, " as gid %d", s->start->gid); out_print(res, " timeout %d second(s)", s->start->timeout); out_print(res, "
Stop program'"); while(s->stop->arg[i]) { if(i) out_print(res, " "); out_print(res, "%s", s->stop->arg[i++]); } out_print(res, "'"); if(s->stop->has_uid) out_print(res, " as uid %d", s->stop->uid); if(s->stop->has_gid) out_print(res, " as gid %d", s->stop->gid); out_print(res, " timeout %d second(s)", s->stop->timeout); out_print(res, "
ExistenceIf doesn't exist %s ", Util_getEventratio(s->action_NONEXIST->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(s->action_NONEXIST->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(s->action_NONEXIST->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s
Check service"); if (s->every.type == EVERY_SKIPCYCLES) out_print(res, "every %d cycle", s->every.spec.cycle.number); else if (s->every.type == EVERY_CRON) out_print(res, "every \"%s\"", s->every.spec.cron); else if (s->every.type == EVERY_NOTINCRON) out_print(res, "not every \"%s\"", s->every.spec.cron); out_print(res, "
TimeoutIf restarted %d times within %d cycle(s) then %s
Data collected%s
"); print_buttons(req, res, s); FOOT } static void do_home_system(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { Service_T s = Run.system; char buf[STRLEN]; out_print(res, "" "" "" ""); if(Run.doprocess) { out_print(res, "" "" "" ""); } out_print(res, "" "" "" "", s->name, s->name, get_service_status_html(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); if(Run.doprocess) { out_print(res, "" "" "" "", systeminfo.loadavg[0], systeminfo.loadavg[1], systeminfo.loadavg[2], systeminfo.total_cpu_user_percent > 0 ? systeminfo.total_cpu_user_percent/10. : 0, systeminfo.total_cpu_syst_percent > 0 ? systeminfo.total_cpu_syst_percent/10. : 0, #ifdef HAVE_CPU_WAIT systeminfo.total_cpu_wait_percent > 0 ? systeminfo.total_cpu_wait_percent/10. : 0, #endif systeminfo.total_mem_percent/10., systeminfo.total_mem_kbyte, systeminfo.total_swap_percent/10., systeminfo.total_swap_kbyte); } out_print(res, "" "
%s%s[%.2f] [%.2f] [%.2f]" "%.1f%%us, %.1f%%sy" #ifdef HAVE_CPU_WAIT ", %.1f%%wa" #endif "%.1f%% [%ld kB]%.1f%% [%ld kB]
"); } static void do_home_process(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { Service_T s; char buf[STRLEN]; int on= TRUE; int header= TRUE; for(s= servicelist_conf; s; s= s->next_conf) { if(s->type != TYPE_PROCESS) continue; if(header) { out_print(res, "" "" "" "" ""); if(Run.doprocess) { out_print(res, "" ""); } out_print(res, ""); header= FALSE; } out_print(res, "" "" "", on?"class='stripe'":"", s->name, s->name, get_service_status_html(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, ""); if(Run.doprocess) { out_print(res, "" ""); } } else { char *uptime= Util_getUptime(s->inf->priv.process.uptime, " "); out_print(res, "", uptime); FREE(uptime); if(Run.doprocess) { out_print(res, "", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", s->inf->priv.process.total_cpu_percent/10.0); out_print(res, "", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", s->inf->priv.process.total_mem_percent/10.0, s->inf->priv.process.total_mem_kbyte); } } out_print(res, ""); on= on?FALSE:TRUE; } if(!header) out_print(res, "
ProcessStatusUptimeCPU TotalMemory Total
%s%s---%s%.1f%%%.1f%% [%ld kB]
"); } static void do_home_program(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { Service_T s; char buf[STRLEN]; int on= TRUE; int header= TRUE; for(s= servicelist_conf; s; s= s->next_conf) { if(s->type != TYPE_PROGRAM) continue; if(header) { out_print(res, "" "" "" "" "" ""); out_print(res, ""); header= FALSE; } out_print(res, "" "" "", on?"class='stripe'":"", s->name, s->name, get_service_status_html(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, ""); out_print(res, ""); } else { if (s->program->started) { char t[32]; out_print(res, "", Time_string(s->program->started, t)); out_print(res, "", s->program->exitStatus); } else { out_print(res, ""); out_print(res, ""); } } out_print(res, ""); on= on?FALSE:TRUE; } if(!header) out_print(res, "
ProgramStatusLast startedExit value
%s%s--%s%dNot yet startedN/A
"); } static void do_home_filesystem(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { Service_T s; char buf[STRLEN]; int on= TRUE; int header= TRUE; for(s= servicelist_conf; s; s= s->next_conf) { if(s->type != TYPE_FILESYSTEM) continue; if(header) { out_print(res, "" "" "" "" "" "" ""); header= FALSE; } out_print(res, "" "" "", on?"class='stripe'":"", s->name, s->name, get_service_status_html(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "" ""); } else { out_print(res, "", s->inf->priv.filesystem.space_percent/10., s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize > 0 ? ((float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.space_total / (float)1048576 * (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize) : 0); if(s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_files > 0) { out_print(res, "", s->inf->priv.filesystem.inode_percent/10., s->inf->priv.filesystem.inode_total); } else { out_print(res, ""); } } out_print(res, ""); on= on?FALSE:TRUE; } if(!header) out_print(res, "
FilesystemStatusSpace usageInodes usage
%s%s- [-]- [-]%.1f%% [%.1f MB]%.1f%% [%ld objects]not supported by filesystem
"); } static void do_home_file(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { Service_T s; char buf[STRLEN]; int on= TRUE; int header= TRUE; for(s= servicelist_conf; s; s= s->next_conf) { if(s->type != TYPE_FILE) continue; if(header) { out_print(res, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""); header= FALSE; } out_print(res, "" "" "", on?"class='stripe'":"", s->name, s->name, get_service_status_html(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "" "" "" ""); } else { out_print(res, "" "" "" "", (unsigned long long)s->inf->priv.file.st_size, s->inf->st_mode & 07777, s->inf->st_uid, s->inf->st_gid); } out_print(res, ""); on= on?FALSE:TRUE; } if(!header) out_print(res, "
%s%s----%llu B%04o%d%d
"); } static void do_home_fifo(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { Service_T s; char buf[STRLEN]; int on= TRUE; int header= TRUE; for(s= servicelist_conf; s; s= s->next_conf) { if(s->type != TYPE_FIFO) continue; if(header) { out_print(res, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""); header= FALSE; } out_print(res, "" "" "", on?"class='stripe'":"", s->name, s->name, get_service_status_html(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "" "" ""); } else { out_print(res, "" "" "", s->inf->st_mode & 07777, s->inf->st_uid, s->inf->st_gid); } out_print(res, ""); on= on?FALSE:TRUE; } if(!header) out_print(res, "
"); } static void do_home_directory(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { Service_T s; char buf[STRLEN]; int on= TRUE; int header= TRUE; for(s= servicelist_conf; s; s= s->next_conf) { if(s->type != TYPE_DIRECTORY) continue; if(header) { out_print(res, "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""); header= FALSE; } out_print(res, "" "" "", on?"class='stripe'":"", s->name, s->name, get_service_status_html(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "" "" ""); } else { out_print(res, "" "" "", s->inf->st_mode & 07777, s->inf->st_uid, s->inf->st_gid); } out_print(res, ""); on= on?FALSE:TRUE; } if(!header) out_print(res, "
"); } static void do_home_host(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res) { Service_T s; Icmp_T icmp; Port_T port; char buf[STRLEN]; int on= TRUE; int header= TRUE; for(s= servicelist_conf; s; s= s->next_conf) { if(s->type != TYPE_HOST) continue; if(header) { out_print(res, "" "" "" "" "" ""); header= FALSE; } out_print(res, "" "" "", on?"class='stripe'":"", s->name, s->name, get_service_status_html(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, ""); } else { out_print(res, ""); } out_print(res, ""); on= on?FALSE:TRUE; } if(!header) out_print(res, "
%s%s-"); if(s->icmplist) { for(icmp= s->icmplist; icmp; icmp= icmp->next) { if(icmp != s->icmplist) out_print(res, "  |  "); out_print(res, "[ICMP %s]", (icmp->is_available)?"":"red-text", icmpnames[icmp->type]); } } if(s->icmplist && s->portlist) out_print(res, "  |  "); if(s->portlist) { for(port= s->portlist; port; port= port->next) { if(port != s->portlist) out_print(res, "  |  "); out_print(res, "[%s] at port %d", (port->is_available)?"":"red-text", port->protocol->name, port->port); } } out_print(res, "
"); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ static void print_alerts(HttpResponse res, Mail_T s) { Mail_T r; for(r= s; r; r= r->next) { out_print(res, "Alert mail to" "%s", r->to?r->to:""); out_print(res, "Alert on"); if(r->events == Event_Null) { out_print(res, "No events"); } else if(r->events == Event_All) { out_print(res, "All events"); } else { if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Action)) out_print(res, "Action "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Checksum)) out_print(res, "Checksum "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Connection)) out_print(res, "Connection "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Content)) out_print(res, "Content "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Data)) out_print(res, "Data "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Exec)) out_print(res, "Exec "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Fsflag)) out_print(res, "Fsflags "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Gid)) out_print(res, "Gid "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Icmp)) out_print(res, "Icmp "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Instance)) out_print(res, "Instance "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Invalid)) out_print(res, "Invalid "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Nonexist)) out_print(res, "Nonexist "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Permission)) out_print(res, "Permission "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Pid)) out_print(res, "PID "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_PPid)) out_print(res, "PPID "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Resource)) out_print(res, "Resource "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Size)) out_print(res, "Size "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Status)) out_print(res, "Status "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Timeout)) out_print(res, "Timeout "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Timestamp)) out_print(res, "Timestamp "); if(IS_EVENT_SET(r->events, Event_Uid)) out_print(res, "Uid "); } out_print(res, ""); if(r->reminder) { out_print(res, "Alert reminder%u cycles", r->reminder); } } } static void print_buttons(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(is_readonly(req)) { /* * A read-only REMOTE_USER does not get access to these buttons */ return; } out_print(res, "", s->name); /* Stop program */ if(s->stop) out_print(res, "", s->name); /* Restart program */ if(s->start && s->stop) out_print(res, "", s->name); /* (un)monitor */ out_print(res, "
"); /* Start program */ if(s->start) out_print(res, "
" "" "
" "" "
" "" "
" "" "
", s->name, s->monitor ? "unmonitor" : "monitor", s->monitor ? "Disable monitoring" : "Enable monitoring"); } static void print_service_rules_port(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->portlist) { char buf[STRLEN]; Port_T p; EventAction_T a; for(p= s->portlist; p; p= p->next) { a= p->action; if(p->family == AF_INET) { out_print(res, "PortIf failed [%s:%d%s [%s via %s] with timeout %d seconds and retry %d time(s)] %s ", p->hostname, p->port, p->request ? p->request : "", p->protocol->name, Util_portTypeDescription(p), p->timeout, p->retry > 1 ? p->retry : 0, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); if(p->SSL.certmd5 != NULL) out_print(res, "Server certificate md5 sum%s", p->SSL.certmd5); } else if(p->family == AF_UNIX) { out_print(res, "Unix SocketIf failed [%s [%s] with timeout %ds and retry %d time(s)] %s ", p->pathname, p->protocol->name, p->timeout, p->retry > 1 ? p->retry : 0, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } } } } static void print_service_rules_icmp(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->icmplist) { char buf[STRLEN]; Icmp_T i; EventAction_T a; for(i= s->icmplist; i; i= i->next) { a= i->action; out_print(res, "ICMPIf failed [%s count %d with timeout %d seconds] %s ", icmpnames[i->type], i->count, i->timeout, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } } } static void print_service_rules_perm(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->perm) { char buf[STRLEN]; EventAction_T a= s->perm->action; out_print(res, "Associated permissionIf failed %o %s ", s->perm->perm, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } } static void print_service_rules_uid(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->uid) { char buf[STRLEN]; EventAction_T a= s->uid->action; out_print(res, "Associated UIDIf failed %d %s ", (int)s->uid->uid, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } } static void print_service_rules_gid(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->gid) { char buf[STRLEN]; EventAction_T a= s->gid->action; out_print(res, "Associated GIDIf failed %d %s ", (int)s->gid->gid, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } } static void print_service_rules_timestamp(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->timestamplist) { char buf[STRLEN]; Timestamp_T t; EventAction_T a; for(t= s->timestamplist; t; t= t->next) { a= t->action; out_print(res, "Associated timestamp"); if(t->test_changes) { out_print(res, "If changed %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); } else { out_print(res, "If %s %d second(s) %s ", operatornames[t->operator], t->time, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } out_print(res, ""); } } } static void print_service_rules_filesystem(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { char buf[STRLEN]; if(s->type == TYPE_FILESYSTEM) { out_print(res, "Filesystem flagsIf changed %s ", Util_getEventratio(s->action_FSFLAG->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(s->action_FSFLAG->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); } if(s->filesystemlist) { Filesystem_T dl; EventAction_T a; for(dl= s->filesystemlist; dl; dl= dl->next) { a= dl->action; if(dl->resource == RESOURCE_ID_INODE) { out_print(res, "Inodes usage limit"); if(dl->limit_absolute > -1) { out_print(res, "If %s %ld %s ", operatornames[dl->operator], dl->limit_absolute, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } else { out_print(res, "If %s %.1f%% %s ", operatornames[dl->operator], dl->limit_percent / 10., Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } out_print(res, ""); } else if(dl->resource == RESOURCE_ID_SPACE) { out_print(res, "Space usage limit"); if(dl->limit_absolute > -1) { out_print(res, "If %s %ld blocks %s ", operatornames[dl->operator], dl->limit_absolute, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } else { out_print(res, "If %s %.1f%% %s ", operatornames[dl->operator], dl->limit_percent / 10., Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } out_print(res, ""); } } } } static void print_service_rules_size(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->sizelist) { char buf[STRLEN]; Size_T sl; EventAction_T a; for(sl= s->sizelist; sl; sl= sl->next) { a= sl->action; out_print(res, "Associated size"); if(sl->test_changes) { out_print(res, "If changed %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); } else { out_print(res, "If %s %llu byte(s) %s ", operatornames[sl->operator], sl->size, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } out_print(res, ""); } } } static void print_service_rules_match(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->matchlist && s->type != TYPE_PROCESS) { char buf[STRLEN]; Match_T ml; EventAction_T a; for(ml= s->matchlist; ml; ml= ml->next) { a= ml->action; out_print(res, "Associated regexIf If %smatch \"%s\" %s ", ml->not ? "not " : "", ml->match_string, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); } } } static void print_service_rules_checksum(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->checksum) { char buf[STRLEN]; Checksum_T cs= s->checksum; EventAction_T a= cs->action; out_print(res, "Associated regex"); if(cs->test_changes) { out_print(res, "If changed %s %s ", checksumnames[cs->type], Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); } else { out_print(res, "If failed %s(%s) %s ", cs->hash, checksumnames[cs->type], Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); } out_print(res, ""); } } static void print_service_rules_process(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_PROCESS) { char buf[STRLEN]; out_print(res, "PidIf changed %s ", Util_getEventratio(s->action_PID->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(s->action_PID->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "PpidIf changed %s ", Util_getEventratio(s->action_PPID->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(s->action_PPID->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); } } static void print_service_rules_program(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_PROGRAM) { char buf[STRLEN]; Program_T p = s->program; EventAction_T a= p->action; out_print(res, "Test Exit valueif exit value %s %d within %d seconds ", operatorshortnames[p->operator], p->return_value, p->timeout); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); } } static void print_service_rules_resource(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->resourcelist) { char buf[STRLEN]; Resource_T q; EventAction_T a; for (q= s->resourcelist; q; q= q->next) { a= q->action; out_print(res, ""); switch (q->resource_id) { case RESOURCE_ID_CPU_PERCENT: out_print(res, "CPU usage limit"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_TOTAL_CPU_PERCENT: out_print(res, "CPU usage limit (incl. children)"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_CPUUSER: out_print(res, "CPU user limit"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_CPUSYSTEM: out_print(res, "CPU system limit"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_CPUWAIT: out_print(res, "CPU wait limit"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_MEM_PERCENT: out_print(res, "Memory usage limit"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_MEM_KBYTE: out_print(res, "Memory amount limit"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_SWAP_PERCENT: out_print(res, "Swap usage limit"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_SWAP_KBYTE: out_print(res, "Swap amount limit"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_LOAD1: out_print(res, "Load average (1min)"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_LOAD5: out_print(res, "Load average (5min)"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_LOAD15: out_print(res, "Load average (15min)"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_CHILDREN: out_print(res, "Children"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_TOTAL_MEM_KBYTE: out_print(res, "Memory amount limit (incl. children)"); break; case RESOURCE_ID_TOTAL_MEM_PERCENT: out_print(res, "Memory usage limit (incl. children)"); break; } out_print(res, ""); switch (q->resource_id) { case RESOURCE_ID_CPU_PERCENT: case RESOURCE_ID_TOTAL_CPU_PERCENT: case RESOURCE_ID_TOTAL_MEM_PERCENT: case RESOURCE_ID_CPUUSER: case RESOURCE_ID_CPUSYSTEM: case RESOURCE_ID_CPUWAIT: case RESOURCE_ID_MEM_PERCENT: case RESOURCE_ID_SWAP_PERCENT: out_print(res, "If %s %.1f%% %s ", operatornames[q->operator], q->limit / 10., Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case RESOURCE_ID_MEM_KBYTE: case RESOURCE_ID_SWAP_KBYTE: out_print(res, "If %s %ldkB %s ", operatornames[q->operator], q->limit, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case RESOURCE_ID_LOAD1: case RESOURCE_ID_LOAD5: case RESOURCE_ID_LOAD15: out_print(res, "If %s %.1f %s ", operatornames[q->operator], q->limit / 10.0, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; case RESOURCE_ID_CHILDREN: case RESOURCE_ID_TOTAL_MEM_KBYTE: out_print(res, "If %s %ld %s ", operatornames[q->operator], q->limit, Util_getEventratio(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s ", Util_describeAction(a->failed, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "else if succeeded %s ", Util_getEventratio(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, "then %s", Util_describeAction(a->succeeded, buf, sizeof(buf))); break; } out_print(res, ""); } } } static void print_service_params_port(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if((s->type == TYPE_HOST || s->type == TYPE_PROCESS) && s-> portlist) { Port_T p; if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { for(p= s->portlist; p; p= p->next) if(p->family == AF_INET) { out_print(res, "Port Response time-"); } else if(p->family == AF_UNIX) { out_print(res, "Unix Socket Response time-"); } } else { for(p= s->portlist; p; p= p->next) { if(p->family == AF_INET) { if(!p->is_available) { out_print(res, "Port Response time" "connection failed to %s:%d%s [%s via %s]" "", p->hostname, p->port, p->request?p->request:"", p->protocol->name, Util_portTypeDescription(p)); } else { out_print(res, "Port Response time" "%.3fs to %s:%d%s [%s via %s]", p->response, p->hostname, p->port, p->request?p->request:"", p->protocol->name, Util_portTypeDescription(p)); } } else if(p->family == AF_UNIX) { if(!p->is_available) { out_print(res, "Unix Socket Response time" "connection failed to %s [%s]" "", p->pathname, p->protocol->name); } else { out_print(res, "Unix Socket Response time" "%.3fs to %s [%s]", p->response, p->pathname, p->protocol->name); } } } } } } static void print_service_params_icmp(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_HOST && s->icmplist) { Icmp_T i; if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { for(i= s->icmplist; i; i= i->next) out_print(res, "ICMP Response time-"); } else { for(i= s->icmplist; i; i= i->next) { if(!i->is_available) { out_print(res, "ICMP Response timeconnection failed [%s]", icmpnames[i->type]); } else { out_print(res, "ICMP Response time%.3fs [%s]", i->response, icmpnames[i->type]); } } } } } static void print_service_params_perm(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_FILE || s->type == TYPE_FIFO || s->type == TYPE_DIRECTORY || s->type == TYPE_FILESYSTEM) { if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "Permission-"); } else { out_print(res, "Permission%o", (s->error & Event_Permission)?"red-text":"", s->inf->st_mode & 07777); } } } static void print_service_params_uid(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_FILE || s->type == TYPE_FIFO || s->type == TYPE_DIRECTORY || s->type == TYPE_FILESYSTEM) { if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "UID-"); } else { out_print(res, "UID%d", (s->error & Event_Uid)?"red-text":"", (int)s->inf->st_uid); } } } static void print_service_params_gid(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_FILE || s->type == TYPE_FIFO || s->type == TYPE_DIRECTORY || s->type == TYPE_FILESYSTEM) { if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "GID-"); } else { out_print(res, "GID%d", (s->error & Event_Gid)?"red-text":"", (int)s->inf->st_gid); } } } static void print_service_params_timestamp(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_FILE || s->type == TYPE_FIFO || s->type == TYPE_DIRECTORY) { if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "Timestamp-"); } else { char t[32]; out_print(res, "Timestamp%s", (s->error & Event_Timestamp)?"red-text":"", Time_string(s->inf->timestamp, t)); } } } static void print_service_params_filesystem(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_FILESYSTEM) { if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "Filesystem flags-"); out_print(res, "Blocks total-"); out_print(res, "Blocks free for non superuser-"); out_print(res, "Blocks free total-"); out_print(res, "Block size-"); out_print(res, "Inodes total-"); out_print(res, "Inodes free-"); } else { out_print(res, "Filesystem flags%#lx", s->inf->priv.filesystem.flags); out_print(res, "Blocks total%ld [%.1f MB]", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks, s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize > 0 ? ((float) s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks/1048576*s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize) : 0); out_print(res, "Blocks free for non superuser" "%ld [%.1f MB] [%.1f%%]", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfree, s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize > 0 ? ((float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfree / (float)1048576 * (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize) : 0, s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks > 0 ? ((float)100 * (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfree / (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks) : 0); out_print(res, "Blocks free total" "%ld [%.1f MB] [%.1f%%]", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfreetotal, s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize > 0 ? ((float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfreetotal / (float)1048576 * (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize) : 0, s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks > 0 ? ((float)100 * (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfreetotal / (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks) : 0); out_print(res, "Block size%ld B", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize); if(s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_files > 0) { out_print(res, "Inodes total%ld", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_files); out_print(res, "Inodes free%ld [%.1f%%]", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_filesfree, (float)100 * (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_filesfree / (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_files); } } } } static void print_service_params_size(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_FILE) { if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "Size-"); } else { out_print(res, "Size%llu B", (s->error & Event_Size)?"red-text":"", (unsigned long long) s->inf->priv.file.st_size); } } } static void print_service_params_match(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_FILE) { if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "Match regex-"); } else { out_print(res, "Match regex%s", (s->error & Event_Content)?"red-text":"", (s->error & Event_Content)?"yes":"no"); } } } static void print_service_params_checksum(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_FILE && s->checksum) { if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "Checksum-"); } else { out_print(res, "Checksum%s(%s)", (s->error & Event_Checksum)?"red-text":"", s->inf->priv.file.cs_sum, checksumnames[s->checksum->type]); } } } static void print_service_params_process(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_PROCESS) { if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "Process id -" "Parent process id -" "Process uptime-"); } else { char *uptime; out_print(res, "Process id %d", s->inf->priv.process.pid > 0 ? s->inf->priv.process.pid : 0); out_print(res, "Parent process id %d", s->inf->priv.process.ppid > 0 ? s->inf->priv.process.ppid : 0); uptime= Util_getUptime(s->inf->priv.process.uptime, " "); out_print(res, "Process uptime%s", uptime); FREE(uptime); } } } static void print_service_params_resource(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(Run.doprocess && (s->type == TYPE_PROCESS || s->type == TYPE_SYSTEM) ) { if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { if(s->type == TYPE_PROCESS) { out_print(res, "CPU usage-" "Memory usage-" "Children-" "Total CPU usage (incl. children)-" "Total memory usage (incl. children)-"); } else if(s->type == TYPE_SYSTEM) { out_print(res, "Load average-" "CPU usage-" "Memory usage-"); } } else { if(s->type == TYPE_PROCESS) { out_print(res, "Children%d", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", s->inf->priv.process.children); out_print(res, "CPU usage%.1f%%   (Usage / Number of CPUs)", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", s->inf->priv.process.cpu_percent/10.0); out_print(res, "Total CPU usage (incl. children)%.1f%%", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", s->inf->priv.process.total_cpu_percent/10.0); out_print(res, "Memory usage%.1f%% [%ldkB]", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", s->inf->priv.process.mem_percent/10.0, s->inf->priv.process.mem_kbyte); out_print(res, "Total memory usage (incl. children)%.1f%% [%ldkB]", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", s->inf->priv.process.total_mem_percent/10.0, s->inf->priv.process.total_mem_kbyte); } else if(s->type == TYPE_SYSTEM) { out_print(res, "Load average[%.2f] [%.2f] [%.2f]", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", systeminfo.loadavg[0], systeminfo.loadavg[1], systeminfo.loadavg[2]); out_print(res, "CPU usage%.1f%%us %.1f%%sy" #ifdef HAVE_CPU_WAIT " %.1f%%wa" #endif "%s", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", systeminfo.total_cpu_user_percent > 0 ? systeminfo.total_cpu_user_percent/10. : 0, systeminfo.total_cpu_syst_percent > 0 ? systeminfo.total_cpu_syst_percent/10. : 0, #ifdef HAVE_CPU_WAIT systeminfo.total_cpu_wait_percent > 0 ? systeminfo.total_cpu_wait_percent/10. : 0, #endif ""); out_print(res, "Memory usage%ld kB [%.1f%%]", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", systeminfo.total_mem_kbyte, systeminfo.total_mem_percent/10.); out_print(res, "Swap usage%ld kB [%.1f%%]", (s->error & Event_Resource)?"red-text":"", systeminfo.total_swap_kbyte, systeminfo.total_swap_percent/10.); } } } } static void print_service_params_program(HttpResponse res, Service_T s) { if(s->type == TYPE_PROGRAM) { if(!Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { out_print(res, "Last started-" "Last Exit value-"); } else { if (s->program->started) { char t[32]; out_print(res, "Last started%s", Time_string(s->program->started, t)); out_print(res, "Last Exit value%d", s->program->exitStatus); } else { out_print(res, "Last startedNot yet started"); out_print(res, "Last Exit valueN/A"); } } } } static int is_readonly(HttpRequest req) { if(req->remote_user) { Auth_T user_creds = Util_getUserCredentials(req->remote_user); return ( user_creds?user_creds->is_readonly:TRUE ); } return FALSE; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------- Status output */ /* Print status in the given format. Text status is default. */ static void print_status(HttpRequest req, HttpResponse res, int version) { Service_T s; short level = LEVEL_FULL; const char *stringFormat = get_parameter(req, "format"); const char *stringLevel = get_parameter(req, "level"); if(stringLevel && Util_startsWith(stringLevel, LEVEL_NAME_SUMMARY)) { level = LEVEL_SUMMARY; } if(stringFormat && Util_startsWith(stringFormat, "xml")) { char *D = status_xml(NULL, level, version, socket_get_local_host(req->S)); out_print(res, "%s", D); FREE(D); set_content_type(res, "text/xml"); } else { char *uptime = Util_getUptime(Util_getProcessUptime(Run.pidfile), " "); out_print(res, "The Monit daemon %s uptime: %s\n\n", VERSION, uptime); FREE(uptime); for(s= servicelist_conf; s; s= s->next_conf) { status_service_txt(s, res, level); } set_content_type(res, "text/plain"); } } static void status_service_txt(Service_T s, HttpResponse res, short level) { char buf[STRLEN]; if(level == LEVEL_SUMMARY) { char prefix[STRLEN]; snprintf(prefix, STRLEN, "%s '%s'", servicetypes[s->type], s->name); out_print(res, "%-35s %s\n", prefix, get_service_status(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); } else { out_print(res, "%s '%s'\n" " %-33s %s\n", servicetypes[s->type], s->name, "status", get_service_status(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); out_print(res, " %-33s %s\n", "monitoring status", get_monitoring_status(s, buf, sizeof(buf))); if(Util_hasServiceStatus(s)) { if(s->type == TYPE_FILE || s->type == TYPE_FIFO || s->type == TYPE_DIRECTORY || s->type == TYPE_FILESYSTEM) { out_print(res, " %-33s %o\n" " %-33s %d\n" " %-33s %d\n", "permission", s->inf->st_mode & 07777, "uid", (int)s->inf->st_uid, "gid", (int)s->inf->st_gid); } if(s->type == TYPE_FILE || s->type == TYPE_FIFO || s->type == TYPE_DIRECTORY) { out_print(res, " %-33s %s\n", "timestamp", Time_string(s->inf->timestamp, buf)); } if(s->type == TYPE_FILE) { out_print(res, " %-33s %llu B\n", "size", (unsigned long long) s->inf->priv.file.st_size); if(s->checksum) { out_print(res, " %-33s %s (%s)\n", "checksum", s->inf->priv.file.cs_sum, checksumnames[s->checksum->type]); } } if(s->type == TYPE_FILESYSTEM) { out_print(res, " %-33s %#lx\n" " %-33s %ld B\n" " %-33s %ld [%.1f MB]\n" " %-33s %ld [%.1f MB] [%.1f%%]\n" " %-33s %ld [%.1f MB] [%.1f%%]\n", "filesystem flags", s->inf->priv.filesystem.flags, "block size", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize, "blocks total", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks, s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize > 0 ? ((float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks / (float)1048576* (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize) : 0, "blocks free for non superuser", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfree, s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize > 0 ? ((float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfree / (float)1048576* (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize) : 0, s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks > 0 ? ((float)100 * (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfree / (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks) : 0, "blocks free total", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfreetotal, s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize > 0 ? ((float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfreetotal/(float)1048576* (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_bsize) : 0, s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks > 0 ? ((float)100 * (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocksfreetotal / (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_blocks) : 0); if(s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_files > 0) { out_print(res, " %-33s %ld\n" " %-33s %ld [%.1f%%]\n", "inodes total", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_files, "inodes free", s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_filesfree, ((float)100*(float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_filesfree/ (float)s->inf->priv.filesystem.f_files)); } } if(s->type == TYPE_PROCESS) { char *uptime= Util_getUptime(s->inf->priv.process.uptime, " "); out_print(res, " %-33s %d\n" " %-33s %d\n" " %-33s %s\n", "pid", s->inf->priv.process.pid > 0 ? s->inf->priv.process.pid : 0, "parent pid", s->inf->priv.process.ppid > 0 ? s->inf->priv.process.ppid : 0, "uptime", uptime); FREE(uptime); if(Run.doprocess) { out_print(res, " %-33s %d\n" " %-33s %ld\n" " %-33s %ld\n" " %-33s %.1f%%\n" " %-33s %.1f%%\n" " %-33s %.1f%%\n" " %-33s %.1f%%\n", "children", s->inf->priv.process.children, "memory kilobytes", s->inf->priv.process.mem_kbyte, "memory kilobytes total", s->inf->priv.process.total_mem_kbyte, "memory percent", s->inf->priv.process.mem_percent/10.0, "memory percent total", s->inf->priv.process.total_mem_percent/10.0, "cpu percent", s->inf->priv.process.cpu_percent/10.0, "cpu percent total", s->inf->priv.process.total_cpu_percent/10.0); } } if(s->type == TYPE_HOST && s->icmplist) { Icmp_T i; for(i= s->icmplist; i; i= i->next) { out_print(res, " %-33s %.3fs [%s]\n", "icmp response time", i->is_available ? i->response : 0., icmpnames[i->type]); } } if((s->type == TYPE_HOST || s->type == TYPE_PROCESS) && s-> portlist) { Port_T p; for(p= s->portlist; p; p= p->next) { if(p->family == AF_INET) { out_print(res, " %-33s %.3fs to %s:%d%s [%s via %s]\n", "port response time", p->is_available ? p->response : 0., p->hostname, p->port, p->request?p->request:"", p->protocol->name, Util_portTypeDescription(p)); } else if(p->family == AF_UNIX) { out_print(res, " %-33s %.3fs to %s [%s]\n", "unix socket response time", p->is_available ? p->response : 0., p->pathname, p->protocol->name); } } } if(s->type == TYPE_SYSTEM && Run.doprocess) { out_print(res, " %-33s [%.2f] [%.2f] [%.2f]\n" " %-33s %.1f%%us %.1f%%sy" #ifdef HAVE_CPU_WAIT " %.1f%%wa" #endif "\n" " %-33s %ld kB [%.1f%%]\n" " %-33s %ld kB [%.1f%%]\n", "load average", systeminfo.loadavg[0], systeminfo.loadavg[1], systeminfo.loadavg[2], "cpu", systeminfo.total_cpu_user_percent > 0 ? systeminfo.total_cpu_user_percent/10. : 0, systeminfo.total_cpu_syst_percent > 0 ? systeminfo.total_cpu_syst_percent/10. : 0, #ifdef HAVE_CPU_WAIT systeminfo.total_cpu_wait_percent > 0 ? systeminfo.total_cpu_wait_percent/10. : 0, #endif "memory usage", systeminfo.total_mem_kbyte, systeminfo.total_mem_percent/10., "swap usage", systeminfo.total_swap_kbyte, systeminfo.total_swap_percent/10.); } if(s->type == TYPE_PROGRAM) { if (s->program->started) { char t[32]; out_print(res, " %-33s %s\n" " %-33s %d\n", "last started", Time_string(s->program->started, t), "last exit value", s->program->exitStatus); } else out_print(res, " %-33s\n", "not yet started"); } } out_print(res, " %-33s %s\n\n", "data collected", Time_string(s->collected.tv_sec, buf)); } } static char *get_monitoring_status(Service_T s, char *buf, int buflen) { ASSERT(s); ASSERT(buf); if (s->monitor == MONITOR_NOT) snprintf(buf, buflen, "Not monitored"); else if (s->monitor & MONITOR_WAITING) snprintf(buf, buflen, "Waiting"); else if (s->monitor & MONITOR_INIT) snprintf(buf, buflen, "Initializing"); else if (s->monitor & MONITOR_YES) snprintf(buf, buflen, "Monitored"); return buf; } static char *get_service_status(Service_T s, char *buf, int buflen) { EventTable_T *et = Event_Table; ASSERT(s); ASSERT(buf); if(s->monitor == MONITOR_NOT || s->monitor & MONITOR_INIT || s->monitor & MONITOR_WAITING) { get_monitoring_status(s, buf, buflen); } else if (s->error == 0) { snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", statusnames[s->type]); } else { // In the case that the service has actualy some failure, error will be non zero. We will check the bitmap and print the description of the first error found while((*et).id) { if(s->error & (*et).id) { snprintf(buf, buflen, "%s", (s->error_hint & (*et).id) ? (*et).description_changed : (*et).description_failed); break; } et++; } } if(s->doaction) snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), buflen - strlen(buf), " - %s pending", actionnames[s->doaction]); return buf; } static char *get_service_status_html(Service_T s, char *buf, int buflen) { ASSERT(s); ASSERT(buf); snprintf(buf, buflen, "", (s->monitor == MONITOR_NOT || s->monitor & MONITOR_INIT || s->monitor & MONITOR_WAITING) ? "gray" : ((! s->error) ? "green" : "red")); get_service_status(s, buf + strlen(buf), buflen - (int)strlen(buf)); snprintf(buf + strlen(buf), buflen - strlen(buf), ""); return buf; }