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Re: "not monitored" status while monit tries to start service

From: Martin Pala
Subject: Re: "not monitored" status while monit tries to start service
Date: Sat, 13 Aug 2011 16:26:09 +0200


the restart action did soft unmonitoring during restart - the monitoring 
resumed when restart action has completed.

However as you noted, the temporary display of "Not monitored" was confusing, 
it will be fixed in next Monit release. 

Best regards,

On Jul 7, 2011, at 4:53 PM, <address@hidden> <address@hidden> wrote:

> What's the reason for changing status of "monitoring status" and "status" to 
> "not monitored" when monit tries to start service? When service timeout to 
> start "status" is changed to "execution failed" and "monitoring status" to 
> "monitored". on the text check status is again changed to "not monitored" 
> when monit tries to start service.
> In such case impossible do distinguish when monitoring of service was 
> disabled on purpose and when monit try do run it.
> regards,
> Krzysiek
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