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Re: monit didn't start services at boot

From: Þórhallur Hálfdánarson
Subject: Re: monit didn't start services at boot
Date: Wed, 17 Nov 2010 12:14:01 +0000


I belive this is a very valid point.

The syntax for "check process" is "CHECK PROCESS <unique name> <PIDFILE <path> | MATCHING <regex>>"
As the ckeck offers a way to monitor based on process name as an alternative to pidfile, wouldn't it be quite easy to extend it so it could match both? As such:
check process foo_instance_a pidfile /var/run/ matching /bin/foo
check process foo_instance_b pidfile /var/run/ matching /bin/foo

Best regards,

2010/11/17 Alessandro Ranellucci <address@hidden>
Hi all,

my server was rebooted and monit didn't start all services at boot. Infact, the pidfile for some of my services contained PIDs that after the reboot were used by other processes. For example, one was used by the cron daemon... This is why monit detected the process as running and didn't start it.

How can I ensure that monit starts my daemons at boot without trusting old pidfiles left by daemons before reboot?

Thank you,

   - alessandro.

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