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Re: [monit] Resetting Checksums

From: Jan-Henrik Haukeland
Subject: Re: [monit] Resetting Checksums
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2008 19:50:46 +0200

How about calling 'monit unmonitor file; monit monitor file'?

On 28. aug.. 2008, at 19.37, Art Age Software wrote:

Hi Jan-Henrik,

'monit reload' seems to reset all checksums on all files and I think
they don't get regenerated until the next monitoring cycle. In my
case, this is once per hour on these files, so the files are then in a
"vulnerable" state (with no checksum) for up to 60 minutes.

I'm looking for a method that

1) regenerates the checksum on one specified file, and
2) does so immediately without waiting for the next monit cycle

Something like:   $ monit reset /etc/myfile



On Thu, Aug 28, 2008 at 10:19 AM, Jan-Henrik Haukeland
<address@hidden> wrote:
I need to check the code to be certain, but could you just test if calling 'monit reload' resets the value? This would be the only way afaik, short of
changing code in Monit

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