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Re: [monit] Monit is spamming me with Process Changed alerts

From: Pablo Iranzo Gómez
Subject: Re: [monit] Monit is spamming me with Process Changed alerts
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2007 07:56:52 +0200

        There's any "set alert" statement in your monit general config file?


El jue, 25-10-2007 a las 21:30 -0500, Cliff Hayes escribió:
> Hello all,
> Monit is monitoring a program for me that apparently changes its PID or
> periodically restarts itself with a new pid so Monit keeps sending me emails
> saying "monit alert -- Changed <process name>"
> I can't find a way to stop or exclude those notifications.
> Here is my config entry:
> check process <process name> with pidfile "/var/run/<process name>.pid"
>   alert <address@hidden> only on { timeout, nonexist }
> Thanks in advance,
> Cliff
> --
> To unsubscribe:

Pablo Iranzo Gómez (address@hidden)
RHCE/Global Profesional Services Consultant Spain
Phone: +34 645 01 01 49 (CET/CEST)

Inscrita en el Reg. Mercantil de Madrid – C.I.F. B-82 65 79 41
Directores: Michael Cunningham, Charlie Peters y David Owens
Dirección Registrada: Red Hat S.L., C/ Velazquez 63, Madrid 28001, España
Dirección contacto: C/Jose Bardasano Baos, 9, Edif. Gorbea 3, Planta 3ºD, 28016 
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