Hi all,
A few days ago i updatet from Version 4.6 to the newest 4.8.1 and i changed
the settings in monitrc to:
set daemon 90
set logfile /var/log/monit.log
set mailserver smtp.1und1.de, smtp.mail.yahoo.de localhost with timeout 30
set alert address@hidden
set mail-format { from: address@hidden
subject: $SERVICE $EVENT at $DATE
message: Monit $ACTION $SERVICE at $DATE on $HOST.
Ihr freundlicher Kollege,
# Monit http server settings:
# ---------------------------
set httpd port 2812
ssl enable
pemfile "/var/certs/monit.pem"
# allow localhost
allow creutz:*******
# Event Queue
set eventqueue
basedir /etc/monit/
slots 5000
I changed the settings "set logfile" from syslog to /var/log/monit.log
And i addet # Event Queue
Since this time monit will not send any mails to the address. It produces
this Errormessage in /var/log/monit.log:
[CEST Jun 22 10:08:33] error : Sendmail error: 550 must be authenticated
[CEST Jun 22 10:08:33] error : Alert handler failed, retry scheduled for
next cycle
If i try to send a mail with
mail -s testmail address@hidden
It workt perfectly and before the changes monit was sending mails without a
problem. At this reason i guess (i hope)my postfix is working fine.
Is there any help out there?? (grin) Please
Next i try the old monitrc, but the problem is still there.
Thanks a lot and
Best regards