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Re: hearbeat

From: SorinS
Subject: Re: hearbeat
Date: Thu, 10 Nov 2005 15:45:51 +0000

Hi David,
Thanks for pointing these solutions. But my case is a bit different, eg.
try to convince a high profile customer to do that on their web servers
and see what happens. The reason I needed mail is that I cannot be
intrusive on the firewall and even less on the client web server. No one
is against a mail being sent (which can be scanned, archived, etc)...
Thanks again, 

On Wed, 2005-11-09 at 22:27 +0000, David Fletcher wrote:
> Hi Sorin,
> Thinking about your requirement to monitor without opening the firewall, did
> you know about the PHP proxy script called monit.php in the "contrib"
> directory to the monit distribution? 
> The script will give you a secure way to see that monit is running if you
> already have a web-server running on the server. It works through
> the standard web-server (i.e. port 80), and doesn't require a separate port
> open on the firewall. You can protect it using Apache authentication.
> Another alternative is the "wap.php" script in the contrib directory. This
> works in a similar way, but lets you see what monit is doing from your mobile
> phone.
> Neither gives the heartbeat message, but you can check them any time you like.
> Cheers,
> David.
> On 7. nov. 2005, at 17.50, Sorin S. wrote:
> > I wanted a heartbeat message to be sure the monit is
> > up and running as I can't open the firewalls to access
> > the monit console. The clients are particularly uneasy
> > to open firewalls externally for monitoring purposes.

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