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Re: Log files monitoring

From: Sorin S.
Subject: Re: Log files monitoring
Date: Thu, 5 May 2005 07:33:27 -0700 (PDT)

Hi Christian, 

Thanks for the excellent comments. This is what I'm

1) The implementation can be similar with the logtail
(the one written by Craig Rowland, which I am
attaching for convenience)  - that is we care about
the inode and not the file, so we would not be
sensitive at logrotation. Also we can keep an offset
(logtail keeps it in a file on the same directory with
the logfile, we might want to keep it in the state
file) so we can catch only the last changes in the
file. We run logtail against some large logfiles
(8-12G) with no problems whatsoever. 

2) Multiline parsing is needed. As monit checks the
logs every N seconds it is probable that we get
multiple lines on the logs. 

3) If the log rotated and we are left with anything we
should evaluate it. It does not happen to us, or at
least we did not seen it. We rotate the logs by
compressing with gzip (cat log | gzip -c -9 > log.gz)
and after cat /dev/null log 

I'm reading the monit code now, with some possible
guidance from you guys I might be able to give it a
stab in the near future. 


--- Christian Hopp <address@hidden> wrote:

> On Wed, 4 May 2005, Jan-Henrik Haukeland wrote:
> > Both these ideas are interesting.
> >
> > 1) Monitor a log file using regex and standard
> action as described below
> Mhhh... we eventhough it sounds useful it could be
> troublesome 
> implementing it.
> We have to reopen the certain logfile everytime we
> check.  Split out 
> the "new" lines.  Test the regexp on each new line. 
> Save the position of 
> the line.  So far so good.
> What happens if logs get rotated?  What do we check?
>  The logfile of the 
> same inode or the logfile with the same name or
> both?
> What if we catch the line half written? Do we ignore
> it and evaluate it 
> next cycle?  Or do we evaluate it?
> Do we need to support multiline parsing?
> Just my 0.0154EUR...  but still it should find its
> way to the TODO list. I 
> give it +1 but don't make me say later "I told you
> so!". (:
> > 2) Customize monit log file output. Using the same
> approach as the apache 
> > project for configuring output. The log file
> format could be set using a 
> > global set-statement, ala: set logformat "%h %l %u
> %t \"%r\" %>s %b" and 
> > where applicable the format specifiers match those
> of apache.
> That's useful.. +1.
> Chistian
> P.S.: Could someone please tell me why I am at work
> on a holiday?
> -- 
> Christian Hopp                                email:
> address@hidden
> Institut für Elektrische Informationstechnik        
>     fon: +49-5323-72-2113
> TU Clausthal, Leibnizstr. 28, 38678
> Clausthal-Zellerf.   fax: +49-5323-72-3197
>                               pgpkey:> --
> To unsubscribe:
/* This program covered by the GNU License. This program is free to  */
/* use as long as the above copyright notices are left intact. This  */
/* program has no warranty of any kind.                              */
/*                                                                   */
/* VERSION 1.1: Initial release                                      */
/*                                                                   */
/*         1.11: Minor typo fix. Fixed NULL comparison.              */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------*/

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sysexits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/types.h>

#define MAX 1024 /* buffer */
#define MAX_PATH 255 /* increase this size if you need a longer path */
#define VERSION "1.11"

/* Prototypes */
void usage(void);
int check_log(char *logname, char *offset_filename);

void main(int argc, char *argv[])

int status=1; /* Set status flag to error */
char offset_filename[MAX];

        /* Check args */
        if((argc < 2) || (argc > 3))

        /* Do sanity check on all user supplied data */
        if ((strlen(argv[1])) > MAX_PATH - 8) /* longer than MAX_PATH 
characters? */
                printf("Input filename %s is too long.\n",argv[1]);

        if (argc == 3) /* check user supplied alternate filename */
                if ((strlen(argv[2])) > MAX_PATH - 8 ) /* longer than MAX_PATH 
characters? */
                        printf("Input filename %s is too long.\n",argv[1]);
        else  /* If no alternate filename given, make our own */

        status=check_log(argv[1], offset_filename); /* check the logs */

        if(status == 0)
        else if(status == 1)
        else if(status == 2)
        else if(status == 3)
        else if(status == 4)
                printf("An unknown error has occurred\n\n");

int check_log(char *logname, char *offset_filename)

FILE *input,  /* Value user supplies for input file */
     *offset_output; /* name of the offset output file */

struct stat file_stat;

char inode_buffer[MAX],     /* Inode temp storage */
     offset_buffer[MAX],    /* Offset temp storage */
     buffer[MAX];           /* I/O Buffer */

long offset_position;   /* position in the file to offset */

        /* Check if the file exists in specified directory */
        /* Open as a binary in case the user reads in non-text files */
        if((input=fopen(logname, "rb")) == NULL)
                printf("File %s cannot be read.\n",logname);

        /* see if we can open an existing offset file and read in the inode */
        /* and offset */
        if((offset_output=fopen(offset_filename, "rb")) != NULL)
                { /* read in the saved inode number */
                if((fgets(buffer,MAX,offset_output)) !=NULL) /* nested 
if()...yuch */
                        strcpy(inode_buffer,buffer); /* copy in inode */

                /* read in the saved decimal offset */
                if((fgets(buffer,MAX,offset_output)) !=NULL) /* nested 
if()...yuch */
                        strcpy(offset_buffer,buffer); /* copy in offset */

                fclose(offset_output); /* We're done, clean up */
        else /* can't read the file? then assume no offset file exists */
                strcpy(inode_buffer,"0"); /* this inode will be set later */
                offset_position=0L; /* if the file doesn't exist, assume */
                                    /* offset of 0 because we've never */
                                    /* tailed it before */

        if((stat(logname,&file_stat)) != 0) /* load struct */
                printf("Cannot get %s file size.\n",logname);

        /* if the current file inode is the same, but the file size has */
        /* grown SMALLER than the last time we checked, then something  */
        /* suspicous has happened (log file edited) and we'll report it */
        if(((atol(inode_buffer)) == (file_stat.st_ino))
           && (atol(offset_buffer) > (file_stat.st_size)))
                offset_position=0L; /* reset offset and report everything */
                printf("*** WARNING ***: Log file %s is smaller than last time 
                printf("***************  This could indicate tampering.\n");

        /* if the current file inode or size is different than that in the */
        /* offset file then assume it has been rotated and set offset to zero */
        if(((atol(inode_buffer)) != (file_stat.st_ino))
           || (atol(offset_buffer) > (file_stat.st_size)))
        else /* If the file inode is the same as old inode set the new offset */
         offset_position=atol(offset_buffer); /*get value and convert */

#ifdef DEBUG
printf("inodebuf: %s offsetbuf: %s offsetpos: 

        fseek(input, offset_position, 0); /* set the input file stream to */
                                          /* the offset position */
        /* Print the file */
        while ((fgets(buffer,MAX,input)) !=NULL)

        /* after we are done we need to write the new offset */
        if((offset_output=fopen(offset_filename, "w")) == NULL)
                printf("File %s cannot be created. Check your 
                if ((chmod(offset_filename,00600)) != 0) /* Don't let anyone 
read offset */
                        printf("Cannot set permissions on file 
                        offset_position=ftell(input); /* set new offset */
                        /* write it */

        fclose(input); /* clean up */

return(0); /* everything A-OK */

/* Tell them how to use this */
void usage(void)
printf("\nlogtail: version %s \n\n",VERSION);
printf("Written by Craig H. Rowland <address@hidden>\n");
printf("Based upon original utility: retail (c)Trusted Information Systems\n");
printf("This program is covered by the GNU license.\n");
printf("\nUsage: logtail [LOG_FILE] <offset_file>\n");
printf("\nlogtail will read in a file and output to stdout.\n\n");
printf("After outputing the file, logtail will create a file called\n");
printf("[LOG_FILE].offset in the same directory that will contain the\n");
printf("decimal offset and inode of the file in ASCII format. \n\n");
printf("Next time logtail is run on FILE the offset file is read and\n");
printf("output begins at the saved offset.\n\n");
printf("Rotated log files will be automatically accounted for by having\n");
printf("the offset reset to zero.\n\n");
printf("The optional <offset_file> parameter can be used to specify your\n");
printf("own name for the offset file. \n\n");

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