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Re: Monit and WAP

From: David Fletcher
Subject: Re: Monit and WAP
Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 23:30:38 +0000


I've been working on the WAP script, and a useful 1.0 version is included below.
I hope email wrapping of long lines doesn't mess it up.

As Jan-Henrik suggested, I have used the XML status output of Monit as a basis,
so this WAP script is completely separate from the main monit files. 

I hope people find it useful. I have tested it with my Sony CMD J70 phone,
and it works well. I have gone for very minimal status information in the page,
but all the information in the XML is available for output - customise the 
script if you like. I have only tried it with my own monit script, so more
testing with different services would be helpful.

Comments in the file summarise how to use it, and also indicate how I
think it could be improved as more people have XML fully integrated into PHP.

Best wishes,


Start of wap.php

//Script to display basic monit status information in WML on a WAP phone.
//Based on the contrib/monit.php script for remote access to monit, 
//and including some XML functions developed by 
//mreilly at ZEROSPAM dot MAC dot COM taken from the PHP manual.
//Place this script on your webserver. Set the configuration information 
//to match your monit installation. The password can be included in the
//page request, in which case set it as an empty string in this script.
//Use this type of request from your phone (with your password!):
//Bookmark this if you are happy that your phone is secure.
//This script accesses monit from the localhost, so you don't
//need to allow external access to monit through your firewall, 
//just access your normal webserver.
//Much of the XML manipulation would be better done using Extensible
//Stylesheet Language (XSL) Transformations, but they need additional
//libraries which not everyone has installed.
//This script only outputs basic data, but the array generated from the
//XML status information holds everything in the monit status report. 
//Just add additional output echo statements to get more detail.
//This script requires PHP, and a working webserver! Tested on PHP4.
//Version 1.0 Copyright 2004 GNU General Public License Version 2
//Author David Fletcher, <address@hidden>

//Configuration data
$addr = 'localhost';
$port = 2812;
$path = '/_status?format=xml';
$user = 'admin';
$pass = '';
$timeout = 30;
//End of configuration

//Ensure that the page generated appears to be a WML page.
header("Content-type: text/vnd.wap.wml");

//No security or filtering here.
//Passwords could contain almost anything, so difficult to filter
if(isset($_GET['pass'])) $pass = $_GET['pass'];

//Get the status information from monit
$urlHandle = fsockopen($addr, $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout);
socket_set_timeout($urlHandle, $timeout);

$urlString = "GET $path HTTP/1.0\r\nHost: $addr\r\nConnection: 
Keep-Alive\r\nUser-Agent: MonitPHP\r\n";
$urlString .= "Authorization: Basic ".base64_encode("$user:$pass")."\r\n";
$urlString .= "\r\n";
fputs($urlHandle, $urlString);
$response = fgets($urlHandle);

$endHeader = false;                           // Strip initial header 
while ( !$endHeader){
  if (fgets($urlHandle) == "\r\n")
    $endHeader = true;

$data = '';                                  // Generate a string to send to 
the screen

while (!feof($urlHandle)) {

fclose ($urlHandle);

//Status information is now stored as an XML document as $data
//Convert the XML to an array to make output controllable

// Array to store current xml path
$ary_path = array();

// We may have many services. They need to be numbered to keep track
$service_no = 0;

// Array to store parsed data
$data_parsed = array();

// Starting level - Set to 0 to display all levels. Set to 1 or higher
// to skip a level that is common to all the fields.
$int_starting_level = 1;

// create our parser
$xml_parser = xml_parser_create('UTF-8');

// set some parser options
xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, true);
xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8');

// tell PHP what functions to call when it finds an element
xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, 'startElement','endElement');

// tell PHP what function to use on the character data
xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, 'characterData');

//Parse the XML
if (!xml_parse($xml_parser, $data)) {
  die(sprintf( "XML error: %s at line %d\n\n", 


// This function is called for every opening XML tag. We
// need to keep track of our path in the XML file, so we
// will use this function to add the tag name to an array
function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs=''){

  // Make sure we can access the path array
  global $ary_path,$service_no;
  // Push the tag into the array
  array_push($ary_path, $name);

  //If the tag is a new SERVICE, increment the number of services
  if($name == 'SERVICE'){

// This function is called for every closing XML tag. We
// need to keep track of our path in the XML file, so we
// will use this function to remove the last item of the array.
function endElement($parser, $name, $attrs=''){
  // Make sure we can access the path array
  global $ary_path;
  // Push the tag into the array

// This function is called for every data portion found between
// opening and closing tags. We will use it to insert values
// into the array.
function characterData($parser, $data){

  // Make sure we can access the path and parsed file arrays
  // and the starting level value
  global $data_parsed, $ary_path, $int_starting_level, $service_no;
  // Remove extra white space from the data (so we can tell if it's empty)
  $str_trimmed_data = trim($data);
  // Since this function gets called whether there is text data or not,
  // we need to prevent it from being called when there is no text data
  // or it overwrites previous legitimate data.
  // Don't use !empty since it will miss tags which contain the number zero.
  if ($str_trimmed_data != '') {
    // Build the array definition string
    $str_array_define = '$data_parsed';
    // Add a [''] and data for each level. (Starting level can be defined.)
    for ($i = $int_starting_level; $i < count($ary_path); $i++) {
      if ($ary_path[$i] == 'SERVICE'){
        //Several SERVICE entries must be accommodated.
        $ary_path[$i] = $ary_path[$i].'-'.$service_no;
      $str_array_define .= '[\'' . $ary_path[$i] . '\']';  
    // Add the value portion of the statement
    $str_array_define .= " = '" . $str_trimmed_data . "';";
    // Evaluate the statement we just created
  } // if

//Prepare for output of the most basic monit data

//For conversion of status codes to text
$event[0] = 'OK';
$event[1] = 'Checksum failed';
$event[2] = 'Resource limit matched';
$event[4] = 'Timeout';
$event[8] = 'Timestamp failed';
$event[16] = 'Size failed';
$event[32] = 'Connection failed';
$event[64] = 'Permission failed';
$event[128] = 'UID failed';
$event[256] = 'GID failed';
$event[512] = 'Does not exist';
$event[1024] = 'Invalid type';
$event[2048] = 'Data access error';
$event[4096] = 'Execution failed';
$event[8192] = 'Changed';
$event[16384] = 'ICMP failed';

$monitored[0] = 'No';
$monitored[1] = 'Yes';
$monitored[2] = 'Init';

//Output document headers. Note that the blank lines between DOCTYPE and <wml> 
are important.
echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>';
echo '<!DOCTYPE wml PUBLIC "-//WAPFORUM//DTD WML 1.1//EN" ';
echo '"";>';
echo "\n\n";
echo '<wml><head><meta http-equiv="Cache-Control" 
echo '<meta http-equiv="Pragma" content="no-cache"/></head><template>'
echo '<do type="prev" label="Back"><prev/></do></template><card id="main" 
title="Server status">';

//Do outputs linked to the machine, not to a specific service

echo '<p>'.date('H:i j-M-y').'</p>';
echo '<p><b>Hostname</b>: '.$data_parsed['SYSTEM']['HOSTNAME'].'<br />';

$days = floor($data_parsed['SERVER']['UPTIME']/60/60/24);
$hours = $data_parsed['SERVER']['UPTIME']/60/60%24;
$mins = $data_parsed['SERVER']['UPTIME']/60%60;

echo 'Uptime: '.$days.'d '.$hours.'h '.$mins.'m<br />';
echo 'Load: '.$data_parsed['SYSTEM']['LOAD']['AVG15'].'<br />';
echo 'Memory: '.$data_parsed['SYSTEM']['MEMORY']['PERCENT'].'%<br />';
echo 'User cpu: '.$data_parsed['SYSTEM']['CPU']['USER'].'%<br />';
echo 'System cpu: '.$data_parsed['SYSTEM']['CPU']['SYSTEM'].'%</p>';

//Output for each of the services monitored

for ($i = 1; $i <= $service_no; $i++){

  echo '<p>';
  //Service name
  echo '<b>'.$data_parsed["SERVICE-$i"]['NAME'].'</b><br />';
  //Is this service being monitored?
  if(array_key_exists($data_parsed["SERVICE-$i"]['MONITOR'], $monitored))
    echo 'Monitored: '.$monitored[$data_parsed["SERVICE-$i"]['MONITOR']].'<br 
    echo 'Monitored: '.$data_parsed["SERVICE-$i"]['MONITOR'].'<br />';
  //What is the status of this service?
  if(array_key_exists($data_parsed["SERVICE-$i"]['STATUS'], $event))
    echo 'Status: '.$event[$data_parsed["SERVICE-$i"]['STATUS']].'<br />';
    echo 'Status: '.$data_parsed["SERVICE-$i"]['STATUS'].'<br />';
  //If this service defined an UPTIME, display it.
    $days = floor($data_parsed["SERVICE-$i"]['UPTIME']/60/60/24);
    $hours = $data_parsed["SERVICE-$i"]['UPTIME']/60/60%24;
    $mins = $data_parsed["SERVICE-$i"]['UPTIME']/60%60;
    echo 'Uptime: '.$days.'d '.$hours.'h '.$mins.'m<br />';
  echo '</p>';  

echo '</card></wml>';


End of wap.php

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