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Re: Path and argument problem... solution?

From: Jan-Henrik Haukeland
Subject: Re: Path and argument problem... solution?
Date: 28 Aug 2002 16:58:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Civil Service)

Christian Hopp <address@hidden> writes:

> I thought a bit about the thread flying around last month about
> parsing paths and arguments.
> Solution(?)... we use start conditions.

Flex start conditions is a good idea for doing this and probably the
best method. But it's not trivial. But first allow me to lay out the

 - Arguments are only parsed for start and stop program statements

 - A (program, argument) tuple is always enclosed with quotes, if not
   it's only a program statement. For instance:
    start program = /sbin/myserver
    or with arguments
    start program = "/sbin/myserver arg1 arg2... argN"
 - Thus we must start a condition after and only after a START or STOP
   token is read and the next char we hit is a '"' char.

 - So far so good, but things starts to be slightly complicated
   because an argument tuple can span over several lines and be a
   script. For instance this should be a legal start statement entry:

    start = "/bin/sh -c { 
               echo $$> /tmp/pid;
               /sbin/myserver -x -y -z;

   If we say that the program is /bin/sh and that there are only two
   arguments, namely "-c" and "{..}" it actually doesn't have to be so

 - Hm, this may not be so difficult after all, unless you see other

 - Finally we should change the Process_T object to use a Command_T
   object for the start and stop programs. That is:

   typedef struct myprocess {
    Command_T start;
    Command_T stop;
   } *Process_T;

   And where the Command_T object layout is as follows;

   typedef struct mycommand {
    char *program;
    char **arguments;
   } *Command_T;
   Where the program entry is the command to start the program and
   arguments are a NULL terminated string array with program as the
   first argument. In this way the command object can be used
   directely in spawn to execute a program:

   void spawn(Command_T C) {

    (void) execv(C->program, C->arguments);

 - In fact this simplifies the code a great deal and is something we
   should try to implement I belive.
> I think it would be even useful to clean up the whole language a
> little, tiny bit. (-:

Absolutely. Do you have time and would you like to give yours and this
proposal a try? If not it looks interesting and something I could do
to get my mind of the zervlet stuff I'm working with now.

> PS: Hauk, I hope you had a nice swim.

Well, actually not, the weather suddenly turned for the worse, and now
when I'm back it looks good again, of course.

Jan-Henrik Haukeland

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