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Re: [Mldonkey-users] commit error

From: crazee_canuck
Subject: Re: [Mldonkey-users] commit error
Date: Fri, 8 Nov 2002 23:12:50 -0500

How are you starting mldonkey?

I've found that usually this is caused by mldonkey trying to write
info to stderr or stdout, and the output wasn't redirected anywhere.

If you start mldonkey with
"./mldonkey 1>log 2>errors &"
"nohup ./mldonkey &"

you shouldn't have this problem anymore....

Friday, November 8, 2002, 11:47:31 AM, you wrote:

SB> Hi,

SB> I have mldonkey installed onto my RH 7.3 system. It rocks downloading files,
SB> but once a file is downloaded, if I try to commit I get an
SB> System[(input/output error)] (or something like that). The file remains
SB> unchanged on the temp dir (with it's MD4 as the file name).

SB> I've tried to commit from the telnet interface and from the web interface
SB> with the same results. I've tried changing the path of the incoming
SB> directory.

SB> It's always the same error.

SB> mldonkey is latest version (2.00) for i686 with shared library.

SB> Please, any help is very welcome. Meanwhile, I can workaround the problem
SB> just renaming the temp file with it's proper name.

SB> Thanks!

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