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Re: MIT Scheme with SLIME

From: call-cc
Subject: Re: MIT Scheme with SLIME
Date: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 23:23:44 -0400
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.23 [SVN]

I wrote a bit of Elisp about a year ago which corrects MIT-Scheme's
Swank implementation and hooks up with Slime a bit better...

Maybe it should be upstreamed.

And I agree with you, Geiser sucks, and while Slime is a bit better,
IMO it still falls short of the MIT-Scheme mode that's included with
Emacs (it's called `xscheme', and you can start it by invoking `M-x
run-scheme'). That might be a matter of personal taste though.

Hope this helps.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
;;; slime-once-again.el -- Elisp code to make Slime connect to
;;; MIT-Scheme's Swank again!
;;; TESTED ON: GNU Emacs 30.0.50
;;; TESTED ON: SLIME v2.27
;;; TESTED ON: Release 12.1 || SF || LIAR/x86-64
;;; Few people know that MIT-Scheme comes with a Swank server,
;;; probably because it's broken out of the box... Turns out it was a
;;; very minor issue with symbols being qualified differently from
;;; Slime's side. A tiny shim fixes the issue.
;;; Add the Elisp code below to your Emacs configuration, then start
;;; Slime with a negative-prefix ``M-- M-x slime'', select
;;; "mit-scheme", hit ``yes'' on the prompt, and voila! It works
;;; surprisingly well.
;;; NOTE: I don't use this hack myself, I like Emacs built-in
;;; MIT-Scheme interaction mode (``xscheme-mode'') more.


(eval-after-load 'slime
     (defun mit-scheme-start-swank (file encoding)
          (eval `(begin
                  (define (swank-shim sexp)
                          (cons (intern
                                  (cons "swank:"
                                        (cdr ((string-splitter
                                               (read-from-string "#\\:"))
                                              (symbol->string (car
                                (cdr sexp)))
                  (define emacs-rex
                          (let ((shim emacs-rex))
                            (lambda (socket sexp pstring id)
                              (shim socket (swank-shim sexp) pstring id))))
                   '(':emacs-rex form datum datum index)
                   (lambda (socket level sexp pstring thread id)
                      (lambda (k)
                         (list condition-type:serious-condition)
                         (lambda (condition)
                            (lambda () (read-from-string "#f"))
                            (lambda () (invoke-sldb socket (+ level 1)
                            (lambda ()
                               `(:return (:abort ,(condition/report-string
                              (k unspecific))))
                         (lambda ()
                           (pp sexp (notification-output-port))
                           (let ((result `(:return (:ok ,(emacs-rex socket
sexp pstring id)) ,id)))
                             (pp result (notification-output-port))
                             (newline (notification-output-port))
                             (write-message result socket))))))))
                  (define swank:init-presentations (lambda _ '())))
                (->environment '(runtime swank)))
          (start-swank ,file))))

     (defun mit-scheme-find-buffer-package ()
         (let ((case-fold-search t))
           (goto-char (point-min))
           (and (re-search-forward "^;+ package: \\(([^)]+)\\)" nil t)
                (match-string-no-properties 1)))))

     (defun mit-scheme-slime-mode-init ()
       (slime-mode t)
       (make-local-variable 'slime-find-buffer-package-function)
       (setq slime-find-buffer-package-function

     (if (not (memq 'mit-scheme slime-lisp-implementations))
         (setq slime-lisp-implementations
               (cons '(mit-scheme ("mit-scheme")
                                  :init mit-scheme-start-swank)

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

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