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Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] Congrats - short question.

From: Jos De Laender
Subject: Re: [Mingw-cross-env-list] Congrats - short question.
Date: Sun, 31 Jan 2016 12:32:13 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.5.1

Op 31/01/2016 om 11:59 schreef Nagaev Boris:
Remark 2 : unless you are developing GPL open source you will want to use
the shared build in order to avoid (L)GPL violations.  Having said that,
licensing is complex business and a static build can violate licenses even
if you are releasing under the GPL. The same goes for shared builds, but
your odds are better.
-1 for this. Static builds are convenient to distribute. AFAIK,
static/shared linking doesn't matter for (L)GPL, if you provide
sources or object files.
This is a minefield and my explanation wasn't overly clear in the first place either.

1. You are developing a GPL application : probably (*) you are fine when you distribute your sources and the sources of the used libraries (or refer to it). Whether you use static or shared.

2. You are developing a non-GPL application :

2.a. I doubt (*) if you can distribute as static without violating LGPL (which many of the MXE compiled libs are). Some people state it's fine if you provide instructions how to re-link with new versions of the underlying LGPL libs, but I'm not sure that makes sense or is practical.

2.b. I think (*) you can distribute as shared and where the LGPL libraries are in a dll. For GPL libraries you still would have an issue though.

(*) In any case, again, this is complex and specialized and in doubt you should seek legal advice.

<end suggestion>

Many thanks,

Jos De Laender


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Jos De Laender


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