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[Mingw-cross-env-list] Retired the stable branch

From: Volker Grabsch
Subject: [Mingw-cross-env-list] Retired the stable branch
Date: Mon, 4 May 2015 00:51:33 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.23 (2014-03-12)

Dear MXE team,

Thanks a lot for the discussion.  We have a pretty clear picture here:

- Nobody voted for option 1).
- Option 2) was preferred by some, but no volunteers were found.
- Option 3) is the way to go.

So I hereby retire the stable branch!


I also updated the documentation.  Please have a look at the new
history entry and feel free to correct any mistakes:


To all committers (the core team), please adjust your .git/config
so that every push to "master" is also pushed to "gh-pages":



Volker Grabsch schrieb:
> Dear MXE team,
> I'd like to hear some opinions on the stable branch.  It is so
> outdated that I doubt anyone uses it.  On the other hand, our website
> still recommends the stable branch.  Also, the website itself is
> generated from the stable branch.
> So we have to do something about it.  I see the following options:
> 1) Re-establish the testing phases and make regular releases
>    This is what we always wanted to to, but ran out of people having
>    time for that.  Open questions:
>    - Is it worth the effort?
>    - Any volunteers?
>    - How to we ensure that this will continue reliably?
>    - Which interval? (each month, every 3 months, every 6 months)
> 2) Update the stable branch, but update it automatically
>    We could create an automated test suite, building upon the tests we
>    already have.  Each commit triggers a rebuild and runs the tests.
>    If it succeeds, stable is fast-forwarded to the current master.
>    The website (gh-pages) follows stable as usual.  Open questions:
>    - Is it worth the effort?
>    - Any volunteers?
> 3) Remove the stable branch
>    Don't mention it in the docs anymore, use only master, and generate
>    the website (gh-pages) follows master instead of stable.
> Opinions and volunteers welcome!
> Regards,
> Volker
> -- 
> Volker Grabsch
> ---<<(())>>---

Volker Grabsch

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