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gnuwin32 make 3.81 does not clean in one go.

From: Gurpreet Sachdeva
Subject: gnuwin32 make 3.81 does not clean in one go.
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2008 19:36:45 +0530

I am facing a strange problem in using a clean target.

The target is very simple -
        RD /S /Q $(DIR)

$DIR is the root directory with a big hierarchy of sub directories underneath. When I do a "make clean"
* It throws the following error for a couple of directories.
* Deletes all the files under these directories.
* Deletes rest of the directories under $DIR.
C:\foo\foo1\foo2\foo3\foo4\foo5\foo6\foo7\foo8 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
C:\foo\foo1\foo2\foo3\foo4\foo5\foo6\foo7\foo8_1 - The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.

And when I do make clean again, it wipes off the remaining dirs.
Running this command RD /S /Q $(DIR) from command line works fine. I am not sure if someone has faced this issue and could direct me to the fix?

Thanks and Regards,
Gurpreet Singh
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