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Re: UnxUtils, Unix tools on Win32

From: Eli Zaretskii
Subject: Re: UnxUtils, Unix tools on Win32
Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 14:22:33 +0300

> From: "Leeuwesteijn,Joost" <address@hidden>
> Date: Fri, 19 May 2006 12:23:54 +0200
> It is referenced quite a lot on the Net but the project doesn't seem to be
> very active anymore.


> What other Unix tools are people using on Win32? What I've found so far:
> - Cygwin
> - MinGW
> - GnuWin32

I use GnuWin32 builds.  They are native Windows programs and are
regularly updated whenever a new version is released.

Sometimes the GnuWin32 pre-built binaries have bugs, in which case I
download the sources, build them myself and debug the problem.  That
is, if reporting the bug to the GnuWin32 bug-tracker doesn't get
responded quickly enough.

> What I liked about UnxUtils is that it's "native" Win32, no dependencies on
> DLL's or anything and no strange directory requirements (home dirs, /cygdir,
> etc).

Same is true for GnuWin32.

> The UnxUtils shell seems to behave a little strange as well; it produces
> weird characters and beeps (terminal issues in combi with cmd.exe?). What
> shells are other people using? Cmd.exe is getting better I must say, but a
> bash.exe would be nice :-) 

Unfortunately, there's no native Windows port of Bash yet.  I'm using
zsh ported several years ago, it is good enough for running Makefile's.

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