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Re: How to rebuild the source code from CVS?

From: J. Grant
Subject: Re: How to rebuild the source code from CVS?
Date: Sun, 09 May 2004 11:16:59 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0

Hi Jay,

I did provide a prepare_w32.bat file to do the job of setting things up
for an MSVC build.  (I attach gzip'd version of this file to this email.
Hopefully I will not get flamed by everyone's virus checkers this time.)

I wonder if prepare_w32.bat could be reviewed for addition so that win32
cvs users can build quicker please?  (I originally submitted it several
months ago.)

Best regards


on the 09/05/04 00:52, Jay Chang wrote:
I would like to rebuild the source code, but I got some .template file and
seem to need to use automake/autoconf to rebuild. Could anyone teach me how
please ?
-- Jay

Attachment: prepare_w32.bat.gz
Description: application/gzip

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