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Re: I found a GUN make bug in Windows 2000.

From: Greg Chicares
Subject: Re: I found a GUN make bug in Windows 2000.
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2002 08:15:25 -0400

Yang Liang wrote:
> --------the content of my Makefile---
> file = tt
> rm   = vxrm
> clean::
>          $(rm) $(file)
> ------------------------------
> vxrm is a batch file in c:\temp,
> ----the content of vxrm.bat file ----
> @echo off
> :start
> if "%1"=="" goto end
> if exist %1 rm -f %1
> shift
> goto start
> :end
> ------------------------------------
> I already include c:\temp in the path.
> When I use make with version 3.79-1, I
> got the following error report:
> make: vxrm: Command not found
> make: *** [clean] Error 127
> But if I use make with version 3.74,
> it works fine.
> Can you tell me the reason?

Perhaps you need to do something like

> rm   = cmd /c vxrm

Why would you use this batch file anyway?
If 'rm' is a win32 port of the unix program
to erase files, then it already works
correctly with multiple arguments, and is
faster than a batch file.

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