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mailman corrupts the protected headers (was Re: qemu-devel archive ...)

From: Ian Kelling
Subject: mailman corrupts the protected headers (was Re: qemu-devel archive ...)
Date: Mon, 04 Dec 2017 17:40:06 -0500
User-agent: mu4e 1.0-alpha2; emacs 27.0.50

Thomas Huth <address@hidden> writes:

> On 04.12.2017 21:02, Ian Kelling wrote:
> Do you know by any chance if that version will also fix the issue with
> PGP/GPG signatures from the enigmail Thunderbird extension? The current
> version of mailman corrupts the protected headers that are generated by
> recent versions of enigmail, so signatures show up as invalid on the
> recipient's side ... (see
> for some more details). This is a little bit annoying since it looks
> like bad guy tried to tamper with your signed mails first, until you
> realize that it's the mailing list software... So if that gets fixed
> with a newer version of mailman, I'd be very happy to get the new
> version for the qemu mailing lists!
>  Regards,
>   Thomas

We are upgrading to a much more recent version of mailman 2 within the
next few weeks to deal with a different header mangling issue, so I
think it will also solve this issue. We will find out. I will send an
announcement to warn people about the upgrade about 48 hours beforehand.

I don't read this list normally, so if you have questions like this in
future, email address@hidden, or if it's urgent, which should lead you to irc. In cases
where there is sysadmin work to track, I or someone address@hidden also
cc address@hidden, so I'm doing that now.

Ian Kelling | Senior Systems Administrator, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: B125 F60B 7B28 7FF6 A2B7  DF8F 170A F0E2 9542 95DF |

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