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Re: [Lynx-dev] the frustration of this kind of advice, was about user a

From: Karen Lewellen
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] the frustration of this kind of advice, was about user agent headers
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2021 10:21:08 -0500 (EST)

..and as it turns out the administrator was trying, and failing, to upgrade lynx to a later edition. In an effort to restore things, we now have an older edition of lynx then was working just fine before the upgrade effort.

On Thu, 2 Dec 2021, Bela Lubkin wrote:

If you log in and out daily then this wouldn't have helped.

The only situation in which 'rehash' would have helped is if some admin
moved where the lynx executable was, while you were currently logged in.
When the shell successfully runs a program, it keeps a note about where
it found it; if the program is moved then that note is invalid.
'rehash' tells it to throw out the current set of notes.

The notes are only kept during a single login (actually: single run of
the shell).  If someone moved the program and 'rehash' was going to fix
it, logging out & back in would equally have fixed it.

I've been logged into this shell since June 14th (kept in background
with GNU `screen`, so despite disconnecting many times and even having
had my desktop reboot once due to a power failure, my active shell is
still lumping along).  So I might actually have need to rehash once in a
while, though it's unlikely to surprise me since I'm the admin... :)


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