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Re: [Lynx-dev] What blanks the blank spaces at the beginning of a line?

From: russellbell
Subject: Re: [Lynx-dev] What blanks the blank spaces at the beginning of a line?
Date: Sat, 27 Oct 2018 21:53:14 -0600

        I'd still like to know where the relevant code is.  I looked
up 'blank'; the routine in LYCurses.c made no difference.  I see
likely stuff in GridText.c, but I'm unsure.
        Retained artifacts are only from the same virtual terminal.
If I switch to another VT then back the display is proper.
        lynx thinks that artifacts are part of the screen: the 'end'
key retains artifacts that are below the stuff that's supposed to be
        Control-r doesn't fix the display.

russell bell

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