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lynx-dev SSL error

From: Michel SUCH
Subject: lynx-dev SSL error
Date: Thu, 10 Oct 2002 12:50:41 +0100 (CET)

When connecting to any https site, I get the following message:
SSL error:unable to get local issuer certificate-Continue? (y)
So, I got the cert.pem file as stated in the changes file, put it in my
home directory and set up the appropriate environment variable pointing to
this file.

I retried with trace activated.
There is no trace of trying to access this file.

Anyway, if ever it is accessed, how can I add the certificate
corresponding to the site?
How can I make sure tha the file is accessed?

Even when running in french language, this message remains in english,
maybe it comes from the ssl library.
ICQ # 51654489

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