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Re: lynx-dev LYNX: meaning of "Bad partial reference; stripping leading

From: pAb-032871
Subject: Re: lynx-dev LYNX: meaning of "Bad partial reference; stripping leading dots"?
Date: Wed, 26 Jul 2000 00:42:14 -0700

In "lynx-dev LYNX: meaning of "Bad partial reference; stripping leading dots"?"
[25/Jul/2000 Tue 18:40:04]
David Combs wrote:

> Man, do I see this ALL the time.
> Even O'Reilly's site.
> Exactly what is screwy in the html?

It's not the HTML, I think.  Check your settings in lynx.cfg

# If STRIP_DOTDOT_URLS is TRUE, Lynx emulates the invalid behavior of many
# browsers to strip a leading "../" segment from relative URLs in HTML
# documents with a http or https base URL, if this would otherwise lead to
# an absolute URLs with those characters still in it.  Such URLs are normally
# erroneous and not what is intended by page authors.  Lynx will issue
# a warning message when this occurs.
# If STRIP_DOTDOT_URLS is FALSE, Lynx will use those URLs for requests
# without taking any special actions or issuing Warnings, in most cases
# this will result in an error response from the server.
# Note that Lynx never tries to fix similar URLs for protocols other than
# http and https, since they are less common and may actually be valid in
# some cases.

I'm not sure what the compilation default is though.

Here are two relative link examples.  Let's take the *absolute*
URL to be;

        <A HREF="../top_index.html">My Main Page</A>
Actually points to;
"../" is actually shorthand for "up one directory"

        <A HREF="./other_file.html">Other File</A>
Actually points to;

With the leading "./" stripped, it would also point to;

On many FTP servers, you may notice two "directories" [I think
that's what they are] in every listing, named "." and ".."  Entering
"." puts you in the current directory [possibly a refreshed listing?],
and ".." moves you up one directory.  The system might put these
here automatically for some reason, I don't know much about it.
They're in my own login directory and I didn't put them there.../

BTW, if this is an invalid way of inserting relative links to
a shorter filepath, what about <A HREF="/~usr/top_index.html">
and <A HREF="/"> then?


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