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Re: lynx-dev Problems downloading with lynx 2.8.1rel.2

From: David Woolley
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Problems downloading with lynx 2.8.1rel.2
Date: Tue, 14 Sep 1999 08:34:55 +0100 (BST)

> were corrupt. Mostly the download timed out so the end of the files was 
> missing.
> The problem is that lynx doesn't give any warnig , it look like the file
> was downloaded OK !

If the site provides a contents length, Lynx will display the total size
and size so far, so you should get some visual indication of the problem.
If it does not, and especially if you go through a proxy (many people
do so now without knowing about it or having any control over it),
there is no way that Lynx could detect the premature end of file.
Missing contents length is not that uncommon given that many sites
prefer to have guaranteed hits on their site than to make caching and
web protocols work well.

I believe that broken contents lengths are quite common, so expect some
false alarms.

If you were using ftp, there is no completely reliable way of determining
size, anyway.

> I will now use wget for all downloads , but something should still be done.

wget is the right tool for this job.

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