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Re: lynx-dev Lynx 2.7.1 + Minuet = wacky characters

From: dickey
Subject: Re: lynx-dev Lynx 2.7.1 + Minuet = wacky characters
Date: Tue, 19 Jan 1999 05:22:21 -0500 (EST)

btw, what is Minuet?
(before this bug report I'd not heard of it)
> In message <address@hidden>, 
> "Mark E. Crane" <address@hidden> writes: 
> >Is there any way to configure Lynx 2.7.1 for Unix to prevent it 
> >from displaying inverse space characters in my client software 
> >whenever a screen refresh (ctrl-w) takes place?  
> [snip] 
> >However-there is one snake in the garden.  We're using Minuet, a 
> >suite of abandonware apps from U of minn.  Unfortunately, Minuet 
> >doesn't do pure vt100 emulation, I am told.  So whenever Lynx 
> >wants to redraw/refresh the screen, like after you A)dd a 
> >bookmark, every single blank space on the screen is filled with 
> >a *reverse* space, except for the blank spaces between words.  It 
> >looks really crappy and freaks out my students, who are used to 
> >using computers that are younger than they are. 
>       If you're serious about terminal emulation, forget about 
> Minuet. You'll just frustrate yourself and your users. 
>       I suggest checking out MS-DOS Kermit -- terrific terminal 
> emulation (and much more), and it's freeware. Furthermore, Kermit 
> works great over TCP/IP networks using packet drivers, so it 
> should fit right in at your lab. Here's a URL: 
> Hope this helps. 
>                                               - Jay 
> --  
> ``What hath night to do with sleep?    John Milton,        T^\---+') 
>   Night hath better sweets to prove.''    1634.     Perth-->*      | 
> <address@hidden> Subject: request_pgp for public key.         L_______| 
> <A HREF="";>My EFN page</A> 

Thomas E. Dickey

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