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Re: LYNX-DEV Who to send feature addition patches to?

From: Nelson Henry Eric
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Who to send feature addition patches to?
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 1997 13:17:14 +0900 (JST)

>   I have a number of feature additions, behavioral alterations, 
> and such resulting from Chebucto Community Network's use of 
> lynx as our login shell.  (This includes using GetText/LibIntl/whatever
> you call it for internationalisation instead of simply substituting
> a new LYMessages_en.h.)  I am wondering to who and in what 

There are a number of us very keen on getting multilingual support
for Lynx.  Unfortuately, Lynx development is in a very precarious
state right now because the developer who has been coordinating
various efforts and maintaining the distribution package is on
extended leave of unknown duration.  I can only refer you to his
own words in "":
     - I'll be away from (a few days before) Christmas on, and then likely
       won't have any (easy) net access for some time.

     I have less time right now for lynx than I used to have (had to move this
     week), but here is a list of things I still would like to do.

The other developers have tremendous demands outside of Lynx.  Tom is
doing a good job of holding things together in the interim, but he cannot
be expected to do the whole job, especially when there is no knowing when
Klaus can return or even if he ever will be able to come back.

There are only two people in the entire world with enough knowledge of
Lynx's internal structure to maintain the entire distribution.  Neither of
them is available right now.  I'll stop rambling now, since it should have
hit people on the list by now what I'm really trying to say.  Yes, it's
time to take a big gulp.


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