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Re: LYNX-DEV Is there a keystroke to add the current URL to the goto buf

From: Jason F. McBrayer
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Is there a keystroke to add the current URL to the goto buffer?
Date: 16 Dec 1997 10:50:23 -0600

>>>>> "AG" == Al Gilman <address@hidden> writes:

AG> That works if the URL is OK.  You can even stop page loading with
AG> 'z' and proceed to fix the URL you then get with 'G'.  But this
AG> fails if the URL is broken.  The place where it would be really
AG> nice to have what Larry mentioned is for example with the search
AG> results out of the Washington Post site where the search engine
AG> returns a broken URL with "../" in inappropriate places.  In this
AG> case trying to go to the broken reference does not leave the
AG> broken reference in the "current document URL" for retrieval
AG> with 'G' and repair (I believe).

The broken links from the Washington Post search engine take you to a
404 page, in my experience.  There's no problem getting that URL into
the URL editor with 'G'.  In fact, for a while, I was doing this all
the time because I needed old news clippings on a particular topic.

| Jason F. McBrayer              address@hidden |
| The scalloped tatters of the King in Yellow must hide Yhtill   |   
| forever.                   (R.W. Chambers _The King in Yellow_ |

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