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LYNX-DEV Re: Lynx and frames fallthrough

From: Lloyd Wood
Subject: LYNX-DEV Re: Lynx and frames fallthrough
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 1997 19:37:19 +0000 (GMT)

On Mon, 1 Dec 1997, glen mccready wrote:
> Lloyd Wood wrote:
> >Lynx ought to display all html on the frameset page, IMO. Some of us
> >using frames do know what we are doing, and shouldn't be penalised for
> >our efforts. 
> This is a religious issue, but you're using HTML.  ML stands for
> Markup Language.  If you want to define how things are formatted,
> don't use a markup language.

That's not the issue; this isn't a 'how do I display my page just so
with fonts and graphics like this' thing. 

A frameset page *is* an HTML page, albeit with nonstandard FRAMESET
tags. I've even got BODY tags on my frameset page within the
(redundant and utterly pointless since no shipping browser has a
-noframes option or checkbox) NOFRAMES tags, and (with or without
NOFRAMES), lynx doesn't display the HTML within the BODY tags. 

Refuses to display any HTML within legitimate BODY tags while
allegedly displaying the page? Browser bug, if you ask me.

> Now if only the people making all these new HTML extensions and
> version and "standards" would learn what the acronym meant.

HTML is not an acronym. 

It's not even a standard. Remember that it was created as the
bastardised form of SGML, Standard Generalised Markup Language, and
that isn't a standard either, despite the extremely wishful thinking
on the part of the namers. 

You want real standards? You want X.400 for email and X.500 for
resource discovery, delivered over X.25 for completely quality-assured
9600bps circuit connections, that's what you want. And those 9600bps
connections will run for kilometres and kilometres (as miles aren't an
international standard) between computers using a 7-layer network
standard yet to be implemented. That's what standards give you. 


and they're not acronyms either.


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