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Re: LYNX-DEV Assistance sought - 'K' LYNXKEYMAP

From: Larry W. Virden, x2487
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Assistance sought - 'K' LYNXKEYMAP
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 1997 13:58:30 -0400

Thanks for the patch.  That helps some.  However, I still have the following
inconsistencies between the keymap page shown and the keystrokes_help.html

The keystrokes page is missing $,comma,<,>,f,H,J,K,L,r,t,u,^D,^J,^L, at
least - I also found <page up>, <page down>, <remove>, <select>, <delete>, 
<Enter>, <tab>, <end>, <F1>, <Find>, <insert> all listed in the keymap,
but perhaps that's a termcap thing.  Also, in keystrokes a key is called
SPACE but in the keymaps it is called <space>, and i think there were
a couple others like that (<backspace> vs ^H for instance).

Finally, I think keystrokes mentions a ^G and ^U which the keymap didn't
show, which was rather unusual I thought.
Larry W. Virden                 INET: address@hidden
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