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LYNX-DEV HTTP.c & HTStream, safe to use?

From: Gunnar Strand
Subject: LYNX-DEV HTTP.c & HTStream, safe to use?
Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 09:57:07 +0200 (MET DST)


I ask somebody who know how the HTStream structure work to please
(pretty please, with sugar on top) help me.

I need to know if it is safe to extract the document from the target
(HTStream) structure (HTTP.c & HTFormat.c) and replace it with a new
filtered document? I have just incorporated my table filter in Perl
into Lynx, but I lose the first bytes on every document, as mentioned
in HTTP.c.

What I want to do is write all sink stream data to a file, reset the
strem, and write the filtered data back into the strem. I do this now
in HTFormat (HTCopy()) by writing to a file instead of to the strem.
So, is it safe to brutally read the stream, reset it, and write data
back, or do I need to set any variables anywhere?

Thank you!

Luck, Gunnar!
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