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Re: LYNX-DEV ioctl.h include in LYUtils.c

From: Larry W. Virden, x2487
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV ioctl.h include in LYUtils.c
Date: Tue, 6 May 1997 07:57:30 -0400

>sorry. can't fix that - I don't remember the detail, but the gist is that
>there's definitions needed for a successful build from header files that
>happen to contain (on more than one system, for historical reasons) conflicting
>definitions for the masks that go into termio(s).  You may find a system
>where you can fix this, but I've tried (and failed) on SunOS & Apollo.

Hmm.  One way that I've fixed this type of thing in the past is to
#undef the symbols causing the warnings.  Since they are being redefined
anyways, this just gets rid of the warnings.

If that approach has failed, it must mean that different compilers on the
same platform are configured differently.  In that case, it seems like
some new symbols identifing the conflicting environments might be used.
Larry W. Virden                 INET: address@hidden
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