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Re: LYNX-DEV Question about BASE implementation

From: Foteos Macrides
Subject: Re: LYNX-DEV Question about BASE implementation
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 1996 09:27:29 -0500 (EST)

Subir Grewal <address@hidden> wrote:
>I'd originally written the markup with OBJECT within BANNER.  I took it
>out (as a test) when the original document wouldn't validate with Cougar. 
>I've put it back in since I decided to use the HTML Pro DTD anyway.  I
>submitted the document to KGV but it failed to validate.  It took
>exception to the anchors within OBJECT, which seemed surprising since one
>of the biggest advantages of the OBJECT/FIG construction is the ability to
>use full-fledged markup for alternative text.  I FIGured ;~) this is a
>result of a typo in the DTD, I haven't had the chance to read the HTML Pro
>DTD itself (and my DTD reading capabilities are limited), but if I do find
>something I will mail Peter (who was kind enough to suggest I might want
>to use the HTML Pro DTD for what I was doing). 

        That's one of the serious bugs in the beta (really alpha, i.e.
utterly first draft).  It doesn't allow any content in OBJECT, and
thus no nesting or an ultimate HTML markup fallback.  Another bad thing
is that it doesn't support implied Ps, so you're OBJECT without the
BANNER, and thus with an implied P following the BODY tag, won't
validate either. 

>I'm going to wait for the update andd then try validating the document

        Yes, that's a good idea. :) :)

>         I only took this project on since I don't want to see CANYU's page
>"animated" with silly little gifs, which is what most of the other people
>seemed to be doing.  Sorry if I'm turning Lynx-Dev into my HTML-trauma
>support group.

        I think that the number of people using Lynx because they have no
GUI alternative is steadily declining, and the number of people using it for
speed when they're after just content is increasing.  The latter reflects
failure of the GUI developers to set up efficient "text only" modes for
their clients, which presumeably will come when the glitz fads become old


 Foteos Macrides            Worcester Foundation for Biomedical Research
 address@hidden         222 Maple Avenue, Shrewsbury, MA 01545
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