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[lwip-users] Assertion "pcb->snd_queuelen >= pbuf_clen(next->p)" failed

From: Tomas Mudrunka
Subject: [lwip-users] Assertion "pcb->snd_queuelen >= pbuf_clen(next->p)" failed after TCP handshake
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 2021 10:38:17 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.2.3

i have written my own netif driver on FreeRTOS+LWIP.
Pings work reliably, TCP handshake works reliably,
but once i start sending data to the established TCP connection it crashes on this:

assertion "pcb->snd_queuelen >= pbuf_clen(next->p)" failed: file "/opt/Espressif/esp-idf/components/lwip/lwip/src/core/tcp_in.c", line 1112, function: tcp_free_acked_segments

My netif has FreeRTOS task which handles communication and then passes received L2 frames to LWIP like this:

p = pbuf_alloc(PBUF_RAW,rx_len,PBUF_POOL);
pbuf_take(p, rx_buf, rx_len);
if(netif->input(p, netif) != ERR_OK) {
  ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Input failed!");

Netif task runs with same priority as LWIP task.
(Both run at ESP_TASK_TCPIP_PRIO defined in esp_task.h, but that is ESP32 specific)
When i was running task with higher priority it was causing deadlocks.
Now when i run both task on the same priority it gives me assertion mentioned before...

Any idea what might be causing this?
I am not sure how should i handle the case with netif having its own task sending data to netif->input()
Is there some explicit locking required?

Thanks for your help.

Best regards
     Tomáš Mudruňka

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